Review Pawnee Scout from Fan Art Models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hello everyone,

A very colourful subject is the Native American Indian and thats what we will be looking at today .

Announced by the company from Russian called Fan Art Models here on PF and in social media , it certainly created a lot of excitement and when I got the review item I understood why!!!

The Native American Indian both served and died in the military and continues to do so to this day but the nations also suffered terribly in the Indian Wars in the mid 19th Century .

Many different races served as scouts in the army including Apache like below and Pawnee , the later is the subject of the release .

Our subject wears a issue cavalry jacket , but with Indian decorations added , around the neck we have a sign of much bravery ...the bear claw necklace.


Books are readily available for further reading and interest here are some:

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Continued in next post

Lets see what we are looking at

Title: Pawnee Scout

Reference: FAN B-001

Scale: 1/9th

Material: Gray Resin

No of Parts: 7 plus card inser

Sculptor: Sergey Zlobov

Box Art: Alexander Habas

General comments
  • Well packed in a very professional laser cut box
  • Parts in clear bags
  • Sandwiched between 2 thick foam layers
  • Resin is a very high quality
  • No flaws or air holes were found
  • A base is sculpted with the torso
  • Assembly is easy and logical
  • Prep ...Minimal , slight sanding at the rear in the hollowed out area
  • Overall Presentation is very good indeed
Packed in a great little box with colour artwork all over , on the top we have the actual painted version and on the underside a colour map showing the Indian nation tribes , one of the sides carry a thanks you ....a nice touch .

indian 001.jpg

indian 002.jpg

Inside we have what I consider a great step forward especially with the scourge of recasting , some in Russia where Fan Art are.

It is great to see a genuine Russian company fighting against these thieves of the hobby ...its a small thing to add and easy to do but gives off a great message...well done .

indian 003.jpg

We also have a nice authenticated card together with a business card( shown front and back _ you will notice the name is different , Art Miniatures , the Fan Art is a part of this )

indian 004.jpg

Parts consist of main torso , the head , bear claw necklace , the roach , ends strands of hair and a set of 3 feathers

indian 005.jpg

I will look at the torso first and the remainder in the next part


The first thing to say is that the resin is super smooth and a nice idea is to have a small base worked into the resin certainly looks slick , the 2nd thing is that the back is hollowed out , reducing resin used and a pleasant style results .

indian 010.jpg
The torso is angled down toward the centre from the upper sleeves.

Wearing the issue US Jacket but personalised with Indian tassels and studs on the sleeve , around the neck a cord for the necklace , this is nicely sculpted and well worked on the twists .

The sleeve tassels are hanging naturally , 3 on each shoulder coming from the studs on each arm .

indian 012.jpg
The jacket is shown opened down to the 5th button with the collar wide open very naturally exposing the upper chest middle

The buttons are all showing the US eagle with the button holes being edged sharply.

indian 006.jpg

The edges of the collar and the jacket has the lace texture running along it , the double on the actual collar sides are very cleanly defined

.indian 013.jpgindian 009.jpgindian 007.jpg

The neck area is clear of any excess resin with a well done cut out ready to take the opposite on the lower neck .

Continued in next post

Now to the remaining pieces


The sculptor has done a very good job here , getting that "look" well , the face looks to the right when in position on the torso, the detailing on the facial features are good a strong nose and a chin pushing forward good mouth work as well ( held closed ) .
indian 014.jpg

The head is shaved revealing the blood vessels on each temple side , cheek bones are high , looking at the review piece his left seems a little angular in comparison .

Ears are very good with 4 hanging drops running along the ear edge

The eyes have upper and lower lids well worked into place , with lines at the corner of each eye .

At the lower edge of the neck we see a group of beads on a strap, nicely shaped

On the top of the head we see the shaped hair , good textures are seen here , the centre is removed to located the remainder of the hair style ., at the lower neck there is a hole to take the 3 braided strands of hair.

indian 017.jpgindian 016.jpgindian 015.jpg

Remainder of hair pieces

The splayed out roach ( styled by using animal fat amongst other ! ) is a really good bit of sculpting , certainly looks good when in place ...a small amount of filler will be needed where it meets the head piece .

indian 025.jpgindian 026.jpgindian 027.jpg

The 3 strands of hair need to be fitted first before the above , they are detailed as plaits with the ends tied , the rear of these are flat with no detail , it does not really show but I would have preferred detail on both .

indian 018.jpg


A group of 3 larger ones with 2 smaller where they all meet , all have nice surface detail , fit is easy again and in place look right .

indian 022.jpgindian 024.jpgindian 023.jpg

Bear Claw necklace

This is a really excellent bit of both sculpting , the individual claws are very well depicted , with a beaded parts running under and in between the claws , these are set into a section and the whole thing when in place really shows the bravery of the warrior .

indian 019.jpg indian 021.jpg
indian 020.jpg

Final Thoughts

A really good 1st bust and a great subject matter presentation is very professional , sculpting is good and with the quality of the resin used the casting is the same .

Minimal prep is needed = A great display piece and a heck of lot of fun at the bench

I am certainly looking forward to seeing more from FAN ART MODELS ....


Lets finish this off with some views of the artwork ...Enjoy


Thanks to FAN ART for the review piece and to you all for looking in

For more information on this and to keep updated :

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Or you can always message them here on PF ( username ArtMin )

Happy modelling

Nice bust. reminds of the Poste Miltaire Native American busts of which I have two. Bit too ambitious for me. Well they were about 20 years ago. Might have a go again. Started one and was looking at it the other day, and saw I'd stripped the paint off it to start again.
