tamiya 1/25th scale panther tank


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A Fixture
Aug 17, 2012
looking for suitable tank crew for this tank, and any updates, will put zimmerite on it myself. if anyone knows who makes a crew for it - i would be grateful, thank you/badger.
I don't know of 1/25 Panther crew figures, but there are a lot of 1/25 figures made to go with car models in that scale. They lend themselves to conversion.

Doesn't 75mm scale come real close to 1/25th? I may be wrong, but I thought it was as close as one could get.
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1/25 means that a guy of 1,8m is reduced to 72mm ( sole of feet to top of skull )
1/24 = 75mm ( again sole of feet to top of skull )
But beware if 75mm producers are from old school 75mm is from sole to level eyes, meaning bigger in real size
In short in both case size is wrong
Look for Tanker Craft who seems to do 1/24 but on an other hand calling them 70mm
Make this search
https://www.google.com/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=german tanker 1/25 resin&fir=DptwIulGP4-pcM%2Cs-J_xJ8KGtdI-M%2C_%3BkCZq7kwJCom9SM%2CELKXhZaAgZCRJM%2C_%3B38CbA7hwX8qieM%2CO_tt74IXpNdx1M%2C_%3B1g4P6wTZXMKA_M%2CckUG0ow0yigziM%2C_%3BfSkMcW-4vruhWM%2ChCY5V27Cba6_HM%2C_%3B4mNdKqqG62H_rM%2Cx1-8G2mr_fLuHM%2C_%3B5LRDm_nqBxhY3M%2C6hFLnFSYkdJlxM%2C_%3ByGmtNp2oIMHZNM%2CV5D38gkdZFbMKM%2C_%3BAZOqPd4fApV2JM%2CZmY9EOOqqUMQnM%2C_%3B3RN4zt43nNzmNM%2CLBc3NW5mj6n77M%2C_&usg=AI4_-kSGmA400gzBeiPNxSSGUcrBMI7Q7w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBk6Ww4PT1AhXBvKQKHenfAHIQjJkEegQIBhAC&biw=1282&bih=567&dpr=1.5#imgrc=38CbA7hwX8qieM&imgdii=DUkPCFhaeq0htM

thank you- the kit was already fully built-no figures-and been hashed about a bit-but nothing that cant be fixed, i thought a couple of figures would add a bit of life to it./ badger.