A Fixture
Hello all. This is my latest diorama that I have been working on since just after Christmas of 12'. It depicts remnants of the German sixth army along with a few straglers here and there from the panzer korps. The figures are all converted to various degrees. Some were extensive conversions and others were as simple as just adding a head from Hornet or The Body or Warriors, Jaguar etc. I actually used a lot of injection molded figs from Dragon,Tamiya, and Master Box. I find the injection molded figures a treat to spruce up and get them into shape. The factory is scrathbuilt from cell u foam however the lower right hand portion of it as well as the holding tanks are from Masterpiece Models. Check out Masterpiece Models website as they have some great dio stuff. Those of you that are familiar with Rick Lawler will recognize some of the masters that they produce. Thanks Rick! The large brick wall that is behind the blast furnace and tanks is scratched from balsa foam which I found a little more forgiving than cell u foam. The holding control shed was also scratchbuilt using Plastruct and Evergreen products. Finally the tank wagon is from Baluard (a resin & white metal offering and the blast furnace is from a Spanish company called Toro. I used alot of AK Interactive stuff on this dio along with some MIG stuff and Bragdon Enterprise weathering pigments. All the painting was done with Vallejo and Citadel acrylic paints. I'll answer any questions you have by posting here or just shoot me an e-mail. Also a warning that there are alot of pics here, enjoy!
