Review Shield Maiden from Nuts Planet


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
H to everyone ,

We again see another release from the prolific company in Korea called Nuts Planet , alongside others they have established a reputation for interesting and quality releases in all scales .

The one I will be sharing my thoughts on is as announced in this thread from Nuts Planet :


It is of course the Shield Maiden but before we look at the box and its contents lets see what exactly these "ladys" were all about.

Female warriors feature in many legends and myths in the Ancient world particularly in the Norse tales , did they actually exist well evidence is very scarce , they certainly existed in modern films as in The Vikings , in folklore they fought alongside their men replacing any gaps in the shield walls by picking up their fallen warriors shields , no actual graves have been found which definately show female warriors .but much is imagined to have been so .

Did they exist ...who can definately say ..but one thing I wouldn't want to come against one !!!!



Books of course are many on the Vikings these are a few that are really good reading and full of information.

Fearsome warriors with fearsome weapons!!!!

Continued in next post:

Lets begin our journey,

Perhaps we will end up in Valhalla or even worse we might still be alive after our brave maiden fought to the death.

What are we looking at :

Title: Shield Maiden - The Viking Age

Reference: NP-B013

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 9

Sculptor: Jun-Sik Ahn

Box Art: Myeong-Ha Ahn

As with all the releases from Nuts we finds our purchase in the blue box , strong and sturdy as always with colour pictures of the piece on the top and one of the sides.
Nuts Shield Maiden 001.jpg
Parts were carefully placed within sandwiched between foam pieces chance of any damage with this sort of packing .

Parts consist of the torso , the arms , the shield, 2 hands one for the shield the other for the weapon she holds an axe , a top part of a sword , and the shield strap and last but not least a base.
Nuts Shield Maiden 002.jpg

In this part of the review we will look at the Torso and the Arms.....lets look at the prep needed on these pieces first : One casting plug from the base of the torso beautifully positioned for ease of removal , the arms each have 2 small plugs to take off on the elbows ...and that is it , nothing more needed.

Beginning with the Torso , an examination of the piece showed a flawless piece of casting , nothing , I paid particular attention to the hair as if there was any this would be the difficult area ....nothing ..good start .
Nuts Shield Maiden 005.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 006.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 007.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 008.jpg
The sculpting is as I expected also flawless , looking perhaps a bit like a character we might have seen in a recent tele visual delight but who cares ..not me !!!

The pose is with the upper body turned slightly to the right , back slightly arched to counter the weight of the shield she carrys .

The features of the face are extraordinary , very smooth and very accurate , , a fine pointed nose , good nostril details , eyes and ears are well formed , neck muscles are prominant in keeping with her position , her female form is very nicely done , I spent a long time looking at this area..hard life reviewing eh!!!
Nuts Shield Maiden 005-001.jpg Nuts Shield Maiden 013.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 014.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 015.jpg Nuts Shield Maiden 013.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 015.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 011.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 012.jpg
Her hair is nothing short of brilliant , plaits fall down at the front with the hair swept back at the forehead with another plait on the top , hair strands are all there to enjoy in excellent form...sculpting at its best

Clothing she wears is full of fine details all really well cast , at the back here bodice is tied in a cris cross , again well worked , the whole clothing area will allow the painter to really bring the surface details out ..good chance for leather effects as in the box art .
Nuts Shield Maiden 009.jpg Nuts Shield Maiden 010.jpg
At her waist we see 2 sword belts well sculpted sitting on her hips .

On the shoulder area we have a male plug ready to receive the shield arm with the appropriate cutout and the other has a female ready to receive the plug cast onto the weapon chance of trying to fit the wrong arm.

On to the Arms now , fit into the required position is first class , excellent join with no filler being needed , the shield arm is held up and back .This comment applys to both clothing folds are really good with the wrists having some well sculpted decoration in particular .
Nuts Shield Maiden 016.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 017.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 020.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 019.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 018.jpg

Nice start and already a fine looking figure

Continued in next post:

Let us continue in our longship to look at the other parts :

Beginning with the Prep needed ...the shield has a casting plug to remove from the outer rim ..carefully do this and don't try and snap it off !!!!, the hands with are both on formers and will need cutting off as is the shield strap , I like this presentation keeping the parts safe and easy to take off ..well thought out by Nuts , the sword hilt has a remnant to take off just below the cross piece , the base needed a slight sanding around the lower edge ..but that is all the prep required ...easy to sort out .

The Shield this is the full version and with no design ...a blank canvas for the painter , with a great bit of details on the wood effect , the central boss is suitably battle damaged with the shield itself having battle scars , on the front we have to plates which hold the strap rings on the back , these are again well sculpted and we also see locating holes ready to receive the shield handle .
Nuts Shield Maiden 028.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 029.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 030.jpg
The Strap for the shield , this should be fitted first before the shield is put on for obvious reasons !!!! . it hangs very naturally in place with nice positioning as well .
Nuts Shield Maiden 031.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 032.jpg
On now to the Hands and their contents , the left hand holds the shield handle , I would recommend you dry fit this to the arm and check its position .I did and it confirmed that it was spot on , it will for most be easier to paint this before getting your chosen glue out!!!
Nuts Shield Maiden 036.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 027.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 033.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 034.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 035.jpg
The other has the war axe in the hand , this is a lovely bit of work again with fine details , leather strapping secures the axe head with the lower parts being covered as a grip
Nuts Shield Maiden 024.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 025.jpgNuts Shield Maiden 023.jpg
Both hands are very well sculpted and fit into the wrists with no concerns , when in place they look tye parts and sit very naturally.

The Sword hilt is a typical design , there is no blade to it it ends in keeping with the torso , again surface work is seen with a 3 pommel at the top.
Nuts Shield Maiden 021.jpg
Nuts Shield Maiden 022.jpg

The Base is the usual one perfectly adequete as always it for additional security and peace of nmind or use a brass rod as is my choice.
Nuts Shield Maiden 003.jpg

Final Thoughts:

As anticipated another cracking bit of work from the team at Nuts Planet ,,,presentation spot on , quality of sculpting the same with casting easily some of the best I have seen...a really pretty female subject , full of details which when painted will make a great addition to the display cabinet

Thanks to Nuts Planet for the review sample and also .......

to you all for coming along with me on the journey .

For more information and to see where you can purchase this and other releases in all scales ..

why not go to their website at :

or bookmark them and be friends on Facebook at :

Happy Figure Modelling

Beautiful bust. Looking forward to more busts from the "Vikings" series plus "Black Sails" would be nice also...................
Gorgeous bust, and the rest of the piece isn't bad either:woot:. No, but seriously, everything I've seen from Nuts Planet is pretty damn good bordering on brilliant, so well done(y)(y).
Best wishes, Gary.
Fantastic review Kevin (y) , fantastic miniature too. (y)

Sole regret but important to mention - Here in Eurozone, with the drop of the € currency, the miniature is arriving with a price touching 70.00€+shipping!!!

The same is happening with other Asian brands, not alone figure producers - pretty sure this is going to create impact in sales :(

Thanks for the review, Kevin - let's hope Nuts can see how prices are going around here to see if they can contribute too to benefit their customers ... hope so! (n)

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