Completed:05/Mar/2012(Japanese Child Celebrate Day)
Kit: Pegasomodels 90mm(90-040)
Suit of Armor with Cuirass of Silver Scale with Multicolor Lacing(Creation)
Battle Surcoat with Risingsun and Wave Pattern Design with Change color,Draw in the embroidery of gold Namu-Myoho-Rengekyo(Subject to the Lotus Sutra) on coller(Creation)
Remodeling changes:
Removal of the Tosei- Sode (shoulder protection plate), add Kobile (protective plate of the shoulder).
Repair the hauberk of the arm. Add Nodowa (protective plate around the neck).
To change (take on both sides of each spear of small and large sickle, Crescent-shaped) Jyumonji-Mikazuki-yari from (sickle spear is attached to one side) Katakamayari.
MAA Angus McBride's Artworks
Many Japanese National Trasure and Important Cultural Proparty