Recent content by Automata


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  1. Automata

    Chicago Considering a World Expo bid.

    The Military Miniature Society of Illinois sent the following email to its members today and posted it on their Facebook page.
  2. Automata

    Bill Horan?

    Tony, You should try to make it to the Chicago show (in Schaumburg) in Oct. since you're in the neighborhood. Bill is usually there and will likely have a few of his latest figs - not to mention all the other excellent artists that will be there.
  3. Automata

    Naval Brigade 1885

    That's looking great Nello! I'm happy you're returning after such a long absence. I always looked forward to seeing your pieces in the magazines some years ago. I met you briefly at MFCA in '06 or '07, then you just disappeared. I was thinking it was something I said :)
  4. Automata

    Gettysburg Auction - Figure # 3

    This was my personal favorite at MFCA this year. The spectacular shading and highlighting do not come across fully in a photo, even a high quality one like this. I'm not a collector, but this is one piece I would have a tough time not bidding on.
  5. Automata

    Punk girl bust

    Fantastic! Will this be commercially available??
  6. Automata

    What ever happend to?

    Andrei Koribanics was at MFCA last year with a display of some of his well know pieces.
  7. Automata

    Happy Birthday Bob Tavis

    Happy birthday Bob. Hope you had a nice one. Barry
  8. Automata

    A Fathers Day Gift

    Very cool subject, and very nicely sculpted. It's good to see you sculpting some more. Barry
  9. Automata

    Jeune Garde Officier

    Gustavo, Yes, it is water soluble. I have a small dropper bottle with a solution of about 20% flat base and 80% water. When I mix up a color that I know will be a bit glossy, like Prussian Blue, I put in a bit of that mixture. It doesn't take much. You will quickly be able to see how much...
  10. Automata

    Jeune Garde Officier

    Nice work Gustavo. If you are not happy with how much gloss there is with those paints (I don't think its bad looking, myself) try adding a little bit of Tamiya Flat Base to your acrylics. A tiny amount is all you need, so a bottle will last for a long time. They should be easily mail...
  11. Automata

    Chicago show 2006 on ModelerChannel

    Thanks Jay! I like the way Dieter's interview turned out. I regret that I only met him in passing that day. I will always be a champion for the figure movies ;) It's not difficult to talk Mike into covering figure subjects. We have many more ideas for figure stories, so its just a...
  12. Automata

    Chicago show 2006 on ModelerChannel

    Hi all. Stop by and check out the piece we did on the 2006 Chicago show. Let us know what you think. All feedback is welcome. Barry
  13. Automata

    ModelerChannel is on the air!

    Well, we're finally on the air after some unforseen setbacks. We are rolling now! Please come take a look at It is a video based site about all types of scale modeling, but there will be videos on figure related topics. We have many more video segments either...
  14. Automata

    Great pictures of SCHAMA show

    Thanks for the pic. I'll have to look for that book. I have 2 of the Napoleonic ones from that series and they are very useful. See you at MFCA, Barry
  15. Automata

    Great pictures of SCHAMA show

    Thanks Jason! I am not familiar with the painting. I'm a bit surprised since I've always been interested in Canrobert and the French army in Crimea, and I have quite a few books with Detaille prints. Can you tell me where I can find a copy of it? I will be at MFCA. I'm looking forward...