Recent content by cblakey1


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  1. cblakey1

    MFCA Photos

    Great pics. Man, there was alot on display.
  2. cblakey1

    New Miniatures Ángel Terol

    Good stuff. I just watched Young Fraankensteen the other night.
  3. cblakey1

    New Andrea Miniatures

    Beautiful. :eek:
  4. cblakey1

    For Sale Batman and Friends Private Commission Busts from My Personal Collection

    Hi All. I have a few ~1/8 scale resin busts for sale. These were private commissions and I am selling them to make room for more kits. They range in height from 4.5" - 6". Reasonably priced. PM me for details.
  5. cblakey1

    Completed Vampire Batman bust

    Very nicely done Ric!
  6. cblakey1

    Acrylics Moebius 1/8 Black Widow

    Excellent job. Are you going to paint the belt buckle hourglass red? Also, if she's cast in resin, couldn't you sand the chubby cheek down a bit?
  7. cblakey1

    Frankensien's Monster

    Very cool piece.
  8. cblakey1

    WIP Critique Hellboy (45mm)

    Very nice piece. Good job!
  9. cblakey1


    Even when assembled correctly, the Detolfs have very bad flare joints that you should inspect before placing any type of shelve/weight on them. I have 6 of these units and after the first shelf fell because of a bad weld, I disassembed all. I now have a big stack of tempered glass panels in...
  10. cblakey1

    WIP Primus Death

    Very cool piece. The detail is amazing.
  11. cblakey1

    WIP Ghost Rider - 70 mm Knight Models

    Wow! Awesome.
  12. cblakey1


    Great job. What scale is he and why didn't you put the bat on his chest?
  13. cblakey1

    Silver Surfer repaint.

    well cast but in most cases, pretty bad paints. :(