I’m attempting to create a diorama using Blackpowder’s 28mm Colonial Militiamen, painted in the same manner of 54mm. Not for wargaming but for display. Having a good time, even with 65 year old eyes, but I can see you’ve got this scale down to a science!
Your research is impeccable, as is your sculpting skills. Thanks for sharing your process and workflow in a project that obviously has a real significance to you.
Nice job indeed! I’m a neophyte regarding 28/40 mm figures, and have painted small dioramas incorporating 28mm figures- but not for wargaming, of which I’m not interested in doing.
Can anyone recommend where I can order “detailed” 40mm figures from? I’m based in the U.S.
First, I really appreciate your SBS documentation on this project. Second I respect your experimentation regarding using the inks. I’ve taken many of Jim Rices’ seminar in which he extols the virtues of using them, and have seen how they can really enhance the depth of a model. Thirdly, I...
Thanks Nap, I tried these 1/35 th kits but on the Andrea 54mm they just look small, enough to make a difference. I know Bill Horan had made a series of Franco/Prussian figures and had weapons, etc. cast separately but I’m not sure if they were 54mm or even available.
I’m currently finishing up on the Andrea 54mm 1871 Prussian soldier (SG-F147) and need one or two Dreyse “needle rifle” in 54mm. Does anyone know where I can get a few to buy?