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  1. D

    3 Stooges

    Wayne I thought you had posted on the three Stooges because we have just had truckloads of the main leaders of the UK Political parties on show trying to interupt the Scottish referendum. Then I noticed you were from the US and dont know them. I musy say you got them dead right without even...
  2. D

    EuroMilitaire 2014 Photos

    Thanks Trex lovely phoyos. You have made someone who couldnt make it this year very happy. Will now spend a few weeks perusing them, if you dont mind. Don
  3. D

    70 years ago

    Had a taxi driver in our small town whos car I used on a monthly basis (airport mostly) so we could chat. He was with the Guards Armoured Division and they were fighting to get through to Arnhem to help the Paras. All those years later he still could not forgive himself for not being able to get...
  4. D

    Completed Critique 79th Highlander Officer, Crimea

    Wonderful work Joe. I feel yours is about the best I have ever seen of this figure. Well done Don
  5. D

    Euro Militaire, Folkestone, 20th & 21st September 2014

    I am sure Del means Amfibious, as with a beer in each hand he can even drink in the rain. A very usful trait in Scotland in summer. Don
  6. D

    Euro Militaire, Folkestone, 20th & 21st September 2014

    I hope everyone at Euro has a wonderful time. Remember to buy lots of figures and sipport your local traders! Don
  7. D

    Completed Officer 42nd Highlanders 1854 (Victoria's Heroes/Tommy's War)

    You have created a wonderful figure, love it. I do like the facial expression you have given him, very Highland! Don
  8. D

    WIP Critique Piper Richardson VC

    Glenn amazing work on your exciting conversion, very apt at this time. Will be following it closely. Don
  9. D

    Morgan's Rifleman 1777

    Wonderful work, love it Don
  10. D

    Euro Militaire, Folkestone, 20th & 21st September 2014

    Barrie, know the feeling well, usually had my bag packed by now. Sadly not to be this year but I will be there in spirit and next year is a given. Pissed off to read from members and their plans, just so jelous!
  11. D

    Euro Militaire, Folkestone, 20th & 21st September 2014

    Keith he puts them all on his badge, its in case he gets lost so other poor punters will get some part of him back! Don
  12. D

    Cdn Lancaster to cross pond - you can hitch for $40k

    Saw them on BBC tv last night, just wonderful to see. Used to have a friend who flew in them in WW2. When I asked how many sorties he made over Germany his reply was 19 1/2. The other 1/2 flight he told me he learned to parachute. Don
  13. D

    Completed Knight at the Crossroads, 75 mm.

    What a wonderful figure one of the nicest I have seen in a while. A change from the milestone to a gravestone and he is saying goodbye to an old friend! Outstanding Don
  14. D

    Completed Critique 26th rgt Continental Army, 1776

    Outstanding Bust by Carl and Frank, Stunning paintwork to finish off. Love the weathering you managed to add to complete your figure. Don