Recent content by foxyboy


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  1. F

    Youtube Tutorials

    Just a heads up to let you know that Angel Giraldez, one of the hobby's top painters, is posting tutorials on his YT channel... The videos are in Spanish with English subtitles. Over the past couple of months he's posted a few...
  2. F

    Review D Day Commando from Life Miniatures

    Anyone got any tips on how to do the writing on the shoulder flash?
  3. F

    Art Nouveau Flat Figures

    Glasgow. I thought everyone on this forum was in Glasgow :) Those are great links Billy, thanks very much. There are some beautiful flats available, aren't there? I've never painted one but it should make a nice change from military themed figures. Thanks again for taking the the time (y)
  4. F

    Art Nouveau Flat Figures

    I was hoping you would know. Thanks very much :)
  5. F

    Art Nouveau Flat Figures

    Hi A while back I saw some flats in an art nouveau style which, I think, were produced by a guy called Detlef Belashk. I'm pretty sure they were based on late 19th century paintings/illustrations and the series may have been called "The Muses". I've been searching for them recently but can...
  6. F

    Camera Advice

    Thanks very much for those links, some great info there. The writer puts many of the technical terms into a context that figure painters can relate to. cheers
  7. F

    Camera Advice

    Thanks very much guys. I've never used anything other than a throw away camera (not for figures), so I didn't want to waste time messing around with a standard lens if it isn't even possible to get decent photos. cheers
  8. F

    Camera Advice

    Cheeky wee bump. No opinions?
  9. F

    Lidl Paints

    Did you notice the brand of the acrylics? I can't make it out on the photo you've posted. cheers
  10. F

    Ultrasonic cleaner :)

    Thanks very much for the info. I'm going to have to get one and give it a try (y) Cheers
  11. F

    Ultrasonic cleaner :)

    That sounds very handy. Can you tell us... 1) was the bust made of resin? 2) did it come out unscathed? 3) what particular type of Dettol did you use, as I've never even thought of using it to strip paint? thanks
  12. F

    Camera Advice

    Hello I'm going to buy a DSLR, probably a Nikon D3300. I'll only be using it to photograph figures. Can anyone tell me if I need a macro lens, or will the standard 18-55mm be good enough? For example, a couple of weeks ago Sang Eon Lee posted photos of his latest bust...
  13. F

    Young Miniatures - New Release for November

    Cheers, mate. That's a good photo, it'll come in handy for painting :thumb:
  14. F

    Young Miniatures - New Release for November

    Love it! Must have. Just out of interest, can anyone give us any info on the coat? Is it a greatcoat or maybe some type of naval issue?
  15. F

    WIP Critique 200mm Raf Pilot late 1970's

    Thought so. The figure's resemblance to Oleg is a dead give away :)