I too have been painting for 35 years plus......Where did the time go;)
The basis for my skin tone painting is following Jaume Ortiz way of painting.
Base colour brown sand though instead of basic flesh I mix in ice yellow for highlights
I mix black red for shadows with brown sand. These...
I just ordered one off your site.
Realise it will take a while to arrive in the UK
Worth waiting for ........Not as if I have a shortage of things to paint on the bench;)
I am doing a Historex hack up .........Started off with a vision ..........Realizing it is another matter
Getting there ........but hard going ...doing and re-doing bits over and over
its how it goes .....enjoyable modelling at its best
Would love to see the Pegaso subject in flat figure form.
I have the Victory Miniatures Lady and Knight in a flat ..........Sadly unpainted as it is a nice piece in 54mm
one day will get round to it.
I do like the Pegaso offering it is a fine piece of work
Here is a pic of the colours used on the face
The first three right to left Black red Brown sand Ice yellow ....give me some basic highlights and shadows on the Brown sand base
The rest of the colours are for toning lightening and darkening .........making mistakes correcting them
Made a start on this one........Its a bit challenging
But thats the game ......Painted in acrylics Though may get the oils out for bits here and there
All comments welcome
A fine piece....Very well done to Ivo for re-creating it
Had the pleasure of meeting Shep Paine many years ago a great figure artist and perfect gentleman