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  1. Illa

    Enter your model into September's ADVANCED class ( ends Midnight BST 30/9/21 )

    Rob Roy Fer miniatures Scale 75mm Acrilic paints, mainly Vallejo Model color I just added the beard with Duro
  2. Illa

    Robert Roy McGregor

    Hello, This is the last figure I've painted. The Rob Roy from Fer miniatures, fantastic 75mm sculpture! I hope you like it: Cheers! Jose
  3. Illa

    Beersheba kid

    Hi folks, This is the last figure I've painted. Is a Tommy's war figure in 54mm scale. Represent an ANZAC soldier during the Beersheba battle. I hope you like it! Salut!
  4. Illa

    Young girl looking for water

    Thank you very much for all your kindly comments! Thank you! No I don't have intention, but if you have any question don't hesitate to ask me! Cheers!
  5. Illa

    Young girl looking for water

    Hi Folks, This is an small transformation of one of the muses from Golem miniatures. Is a 75mm figure. I change it a little bit in order to get a classic times girl...I hope you like it! Salut!
  6. Illa

    Roman slave

    Painting the metal parts in NMM ...I'm not an expert but Im happy with the result!
  7. Illa

    Arapaho Indian 75mm with horse from Pegaso models.

    Very beautiful work! I really like the work on the horse
  8. Illa

    Roman slave

    Hi Karl, Almost all the colors used are from Model color: base: brown sand + chocolate brown lights: adding basic skintone shadows: burnt red I've added in some parts terracota (Game color) and black for shadows I've added in some areas just brown sand or basic skintone + terracota I hope It...
  9. Illa

    Roman slave

    Finish the skin, probably I will apply matt barnish: Salut!
  10. Illa

    Spanish legionnaire, 1921

    Thanks again for your comments!:)
  11. Illa

    Roman slave

    yes is a little crazy change, but I have given myself these whim jeje I imagine a girl looking for wather in the river...I've look for a reference but roman slaves doesn't use to wear nude and roman amphoras doesn't use to contain wather Cheers!
  12. Illa

    Roman slave

    Hi Folks, I'm painting this figure.Is a transformation of one of the muses from Golem miniatures, I'm going to try to paint the armlet in NMM ...
  13. Illa

    Spanish legionnaire, 1921

    Thanks a lot for all your nice comments! Yes, it is a commercial one from the spanish brand "Miniaturas Beneito".Is an old model I don't know if is easy to find... The equipment is similar to the british but I'm not sure if it was the same. Probably was English equipment. The spanish army...
  14. Illa

    Spanish legionnaire, 1921

    Hi folks! The figure I've painted represents a spanish legionnaire during the Rif war in Morocco, the last colonial war of Spain before the spanish civil war. I hope you like it!
  15. Illa

    1/35 German Fallschirmjäger, 1940

    Again Thanks a lot for all your comments! I didn't think about it but is a great idea. I will take this in account for future figures because this effect would improve the mini. There is a lot of this kind of pieces in military miniatures Thank you very much!