Per Olav, This is a stunning art work! Very beautiful. I am sure you will do great at AMT. I wish you good luck! But I am sure you will not need it. Cheers Kevin
Brother, another fantastic figure! I cannot beleive how much work you are getting done and how fast you pump these masterpieces out!!! It is just amazing! Cheers Kevin
Brother Costas, this is simply fantastic work. I love everything about this one, especially the fur on his back. You are improving so much with each and every piece. Cheers Kevin
Costas, another tremendous job you have done here, both in the painting(its fantastic) and the additions you have made. It is truly inspiring. cheers Kevin
Costas, I think this is one of the best works you have produced. Also it is good to see you doing such beautiful groundwork still. Congrats on fine Job! Cheers Kevin
Per Olav, another show stopper! Fantastic detail and the addition of the ground work gives a better feel for the scene. Could you give me the base demensions? cheers Kevin