Recent content by Lancio


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  1. Lancio

    Euro 2016

    Just to help.. the Colonel Paget.. sculpted by Raffaele Nalin and painted by Jaume Ortiz... 1:32.
  2. Lancio

    Euro 2016

    Euromilitarie is Euromilitaire... for me means...the tradition of the miniature show... is a dream...I've been there once and it has been a pure joy, how many years exists? A lot And is still of the greatest show and is fine if one year can be down (as participants not in...
  3. Lancio

    Euro 2016

    I didn't go there this year.. bit sad.. but my paintmates did.. so.. here some pics directly by them.. they are Raffaele Nalin, Vittorio Meneghello, Luciano Rossetto, Jaume Ortiz, Giuseppe DeCarolis.. and then a lot friends.. big crew :D here all figures sculpted by Raffaele (a part of the...
  4. Lancio

    WIP Critique Waterloo - Hougmont 1815, 54mm SKAproject

    Hi Mate!.. Just have fun!!... you're doing a great job and you had an awesome idea to put more details... keep going!
  5. Lancio

    The Defiler_Michael Kontraros Collectibles

  6. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Ciao Tommi.. Sorry mate..I don't know what to answer...I haven't any contact with the club.. I can try to ask to one of my friend and see if we can help.. Please send me a note to [email protected] with your details .. I'll try to sort out something... Let me remark that I don't have any...
  7. Lancio

    Interview with Stefano Lancioni

    Hi mate! I want to thank you for your attention.. It has been an honor and very funny. Cheers S.
  8. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Hi Buddies!.. maybe I can help some of you, the VCO club has picked up the request and now is able to sell via Paypal two figures of this scene. VCO club is the team that organized the "World Model Expo 2014 - Stresa", they called me giving all detail to acquire the figures. you have to write to...
  9. Lancio

    Mantis Miniatures New Release

    Cool stuff Artur!
  10. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Hey guys.. you can be upset or whatever.. but as I said, we are not a professional producer.. so, simply we don't have the number to follow this business.. we've just thought to do something nice for this little world that we love, putting all our resources to give the best that we can. I feel...
  11. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Bucsfan21.. Sorry mate.. We don't have the possibility to make more copies.. And I'd like to think to preserve the limited edition... ...but... We're thinking to make a new project...maybe a single figure... Maybe a rifleman... Who knows... Guys.. What do you think?
  12. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Hahaha... Yes.. Torte calde.. Maybe in Italian is.. "Va via come il pane" .. It means "selling like bread".
  13. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Buddies! .. I'm so sorry.. But yes.. It's a SOLD OUT... as I said is limited edition... Very limited, in total were 20 copies... Ricard, I don't know if the officer is available, is a different project not managed by me, maybe the Sapper.. For sure the infantry-man the wall and the French not.
  14. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Guys! I've forgotten to mention that the whole scene is in RESIN.
  15. Lancio

    News SKA-Project

    Hahaha!! Hi Billy.. I never heard about "hot cakes" in Italian.. but who knows.. maybe somewhere.. I'd like to underline that We are not a professional company.. we're just friends with a low production.. sorry for this.. but we do what we can to share this project :D