Recent content by madeg


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  1. madeg

    WIP Pirate goes banana

    The figures are in scale 1/32. Historex accessoires are also in this scale . This makes is easier to stay in scale . This time I have no step by step pictures but I always start with a manequin from home made torso pieces in resin and paper clips.
  2. madeg

    WIP Pirate goes banana

    Some new sculpting finished . Again the Pirate theme . This time the story from the Pirates inn . Having a party with the help of a lot of rum and some wild wild women. The scenery is made from balsa foam. Scculpting was done using magic sculpt en green stuff. Some heads and hands are from the...
  3. madeg

    Were is Joe , The Ardennes 1944 ( Battle of the Buldge)

    It has been a long time since my last post . 2 years in the making this diorama is finished .I know this is usually not the place to post projects more related to modeling , but there are 21 figures in this diorama . The jeep and the truck are from Tamiya . Most of the figures are from...
  4. madeg

    next world expo

    Does anyone have an idea where the next world expo will take place ? Usually there are rumours during the Week end .Names of possible kandidates are then released.
  5. madeg

    Barracuda The Pirate

    These figures will not be commercial pieces .
  6. madeg

    Barracuda The Pirate

    Name of a dangerous fish but also one of the most succesful comic book series edited by Dargoud. Scriptwriter Jean Dufaux and illustrator Jérémy Pétiqueux created almost a cinematografic style in their work . The stories take us back to times when Pirates ruled the world . The serie is drawn in...
  7. madeg

    Pirate's bad day

    Pirates bad day Well what can I say ? You’re a Pirate . During the same day you’re shipwrecked because you lost you’re ship in a battle. Floating in de sea a seagull passes and then again some bad luck falls down on you’re head. This small scene is made with some heavy converted parts from...
  8. madeg

    mayday mayday mayday

    It’s been a while since my last post on PF. Because of time shortage it took me a while to start a new sculptingproject . Again I was inspired by the pirate theme as in previous work . This time the concept is not from an existing ( pirates of the Carribean) scene but a bit of fantasy took...
  9. madeg

    Miniaturas Fortes release: Little Caesar

    My goodness Diego, I just bought the 2 Dickens figures .And already a new one . And again one that cought my attention . Being a movielover especially when it becomes old style movies .Who can resist to buy ?? :nailbiting: Well back to the painting corner and finish to two other ones .
  10. madeg

    Completed A Mermaids Song

    Some time ago I posted the completed sculpt of a little vignette with 2 figures . The title was A Mermaids Song . The idea came after I saw the last Pirates of Caribbean movie ( by the way the mermaid scene is the best in the movie ) . It shows a shipwrecked pirate lured by a mermaid sitting on...
  11. madeg

    Completed Mother Of All Pirates

    Well I must admit that paiting the bird was not easy . The picture doesn't show the real colour of it . I did not use to much shadow on it . But the real version is a bit darker and has more contrast.Using real photographs of a paret I saw that there was little shadow in the yellow feathers . I...
  12. madeg

    Completed Mother Of All Pirates

    How many clichés can you put in one figure . Well I supose I've done my best . The sculpting ended some time ago. And now painting is finished. Mother of all pirates was inspired by the concept art of W. Disneys imageneer Marc Davies who created the Pirates world as we know it now . This figure...
  13. madeg

    WIP Mother of all Pirates

    Mother of all Pirates . After the previous 2 projects “Pirate’s Party” and “ A mermaids song “, both inspired by the concept art of Disney’s imageneer Marc Davis ,I returned to an original idea of my own . Mother of all Pirates combines all the clichés used in the artwork of pirates...
  14. madeg

    WIP Steampunk Queen

    Some time ago I discovered the Steampunk style in figurines . Some manufacturers of fantasy themes have introduced this style in there work . So I decided to make my own figure using all information I could find . This figure is based upon art work I found on the internet . The girl is dressed...
  15. madeg

    Completed Pirates Party finished

    Well here it is . 1 year in the making ( 6 months of sculpting and 6 months of painting ) . The job is done . Based upon Mark Davies original concept art of Pirates of the Caribbean for Disney’s ride at Disneyland 1967 After finishing the sculpting part I past it on to a female member of our...