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  1. M

    Muscovite Rindi, 16th. Century

    Cheers Luca. I do hope it is one of them. Ross
  2. M

    Who produces this?

    Well I think a subscription to Figurines is needed. Ross
  3. M

    Reference Material

    Hi Dave, As well as Sealed Knot you might want to check these guys out: The English Civil War Society Aslo try this poage out it has got quite a few links to groups and suppliers: ECW Re-enactors Ross
  4. M

    Muscovite Rindi, 16th. Century

    Thats is a great looking figure now we have the oppurtunity to byuy it again. I notice on the Elite website that they have bought the masters to Mike's figure from Post Militaire. Does anyone know if this includes the 110mm Battle of Britain pilots? Ross
  5. M

    Who produces this?

    Bart - Thank your. It did look like a Bruno Liebovitz piece to me. Anyone know if there is a chance it will be produced? Ross
  6. M

    Who produces this?

    I have just seen this on Daniel Ipperti's website: Who produces it or is it a one off? Ross
  7. M

    Gravesham Show 2006

    Dave, Well done. It is a great looking piece. Ross
  8. M

    Métal Modèles preview

    The Belgian is definetly on my wish list. A lovely looking figure. Ross
  9. M

    WW1 German Infantryman

    Cheers. It is a really nice figure. The heads for Scale Link were done by Roger Saunders which helped a lot. Ross
  10. M

    Happy Birthday Ross Mahoney

    Cheers guys. Hope to have a nice day once I am out of work. Ross
  11. M

    WW1 German Infantryman

    This is an old Scale Link figure of a WW1 German Infantryman. Lovely kit despite its age. All comments welcome. Ross :)
  12. M

    70mm WWII RAF Pilot

    Roy - Hope all is well. Any idea when this one is going into production? Ross :)
  13. M

    114th Pennsylvania Collis' Zouaves

    Hey Dave - Hope all is well. You and Roy have done a great job on this. The face is superb. Lots of character. Ross
  14. M

    News from Alpine Miniatures: Aug 2006

    Taesung - Superb as usual. You really make WW2 figures look attractive and with Jaume's painting what more can we ask for. Ross
  15. M

    I'm back

    Hey fellow planeteers, After a long break I am hopefully back. I have been setting up a new historical society dedicated to the study of WW2, which has been taking up a lot of my time. Something very similar to the Western Front Association. It all started when I posetd a query on a forum and...