Recent content by O' Tabac


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  1. O' Tabac

    For Sale American Civil War many figures

    Ciao Mario, purtroppo ho proposto ma inutilmente il n.3 è andato, per quanto riguarda i 4 figurini come avrai notato li ho cancellati dalla lista quindi sono tuoi. Il mio indirizzo mail per Paypal è: [email protected] L' importo totale, compreso spese di spedizione, è di €60,00 Inviami...
  2. O' Tabac

    For Sale American Civil War many figures

    Hi Joe, Monday I'll know the shipping cost to US. Thanks Maurizio
  3. O' Tabac

    For Sale American Civil War many figures

    Ciao Mario, il 3 è sospeso, sono stato contattato prima, ma se non si conclude è tuo i retanti sono tutti tuoi. Fammi sapere Maurizio
  4. O' Tabac

    For Sale American Civil War many figures

    Hi,:) for Portugal € 9,50 with Registered Mail
  5. O' Tabac

    For Sale American Civil War many figures

    Hi guys, I would like to sell several figures of the American Civil War, many of these OOP. Prices are in Euro. Payment is by Paypal. The following is a list of prices 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 € 10,00 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 24/1, 24/2 € 15,00 23 € 20,00
  6. O' Tabac


    :)Many greetings of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all modelers of goodwill;) Maurizio
  7. O' Tabac

    Completed Addih-hiddisch

    Only one word, excellent! Cheers!! Maurizio
  8. O' Tabac

    Historically Correctness?

    I don't mind a figure with small historical errors, because this stimulates my passion for uniformology research, and then, I make small changes to a kit, belongs more to me. Maurizio
  9. O' Tabac

    WIP Critique 13th Pa (bucktails) Hasty Escape

    Thanks Mike, the photo doesn't justice to colors, I wrong the lighting for photographs. Maurizio
  10. O' Tabac

    WIP Critique 13th Pa (bucktails) Hasty Escape

    Hi, Thanks for your comments, the scale is 54mm. Maurizio
  11. O' Tabac

    WIP Critique 13th Pa (bucktails) Hasty Escape

    Hello Guys,:) I will introduce my latest work. Thanks for looking! Maurizio
  12. O' Tabac

    Admiral Franklin Buchanan. 1:10

    Very, Very, Beautiful! Maurizio
  13. O' Tabac

    Completed Critique Confederate Infantryman (maurice Corry, 75mm)

    Sure, the belt is loot, usually uses the buckles upside down, to be not executed as spies, in case of capture. P.S. sorry for my english Maurizio
  14. O' Tabac

    Completed Critique Confederate Infantryman (maurice Corry, 75mm)

    Good work, only a small detail, I would have upside down the US buckle. Maurizio
  15. O' Tabac

    The Resistance Step 1

    Spectacle, Excellent. Saluti Maurizio