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  1. Paul

    Uruks riding Wargs

    RedBox´s Alliance range, Original titel "Warg Half Orcs" but I reckon, seeing as Uruks are a half breed creature their mounts would also be Half breeds. Wargs crossed with Hyenas!! Not the modern spotted hyena but the pre-historic Cave Hyena (Crocuta crocuta Spelaea). The beast was reckoned to...
  2. Paul


    32 of them in 8 different poses. RedBox and labelled as being on the Dark Alliance side. Minotaurs, are they baddies, neutral or good? The whole herd together. "Rocky", "Bull the Butcher" and "Sirus" "Axel", "Boxer" and "Lance" Lance is missing half of his left horn. Wether this is...
  3. Paul

    Steppes Warriors - Set 2

    Labelled as Steppes warriors these, considering Alliances other fantasy output, are definately the Riders of Rohan. One of them even looks like Theoden. 12 bods and 12 nags in 6 poses. You also get two lances, 2 shields, a bow in its holder, a quiver of arrows, a mace and a sword.The bow or...
  4. Paul

    Steppes Warriors - Set 1

    As with the first lot (set 2), 12 bods and 12 nags in 6 poses. The nags are the same as set 2 so after a hot water bath, their heads got repositioned. As with set 2 you get extras, this time two spears, a sword, a quiver, two bows and a saddle bag which attaches to the nag in the same way...
  5. Paul

    Remember the days...

    ...when shopping, although a bit boring, wasn´t such an effort ? Anyone remember the "massive horror" of PIG FLU ? Continue reading...
  6. Paul

    Armoured Crossbowmen - Tumbling Dice

    8 Bods in 6 poses and loose crossbows. The shields are from the MiniArt French Knights with Assault Ladders set. They are, like the Armoured Longbowmen from TD, they are painted in the colours of John Bourchier. Close ups of the 6 different poses.* *As ever with TD bods, I can´t say...
  7. Paul

    Riders of Rohan

    All poses from Both sets and 5 conversions, a standard bearer, hornist and 3 archers doing a parthian shot. Well not quite a full Parthian shot but they are new at the job.....and not Parthians, so we´ll let them off. The Converted bods Standard bearer and Hornist. The Standard bearer was...
  8. Paul

    John Bourchier and retinue

    He´s been put in charge of the archers and crossbowmen John Bourchier - 2nd Lord Berners. I´ve painted up the TD Archers and Crossbowmen in his colours so they needed someone to lead them. Nags from the Zvezda French Knights set as is the standard bearer and the bottom half of John. His top...
  9. Paul

    Elves - Light Alliance

    Another lot of fantasy bods from DDS, the Light Alliance´s Elves set 3 10 poses in the set, virtually no flash. 3 of them are female and they could have gone with a second set of just females. Or possibly three sets. The first set cloaked and helmeted heavy inf types that could form a battle...
  10. Paul

    Elves - Light Alliance - Conversions

    There is always, however complicated, some conversion possibilities in every set of plastic 1/72nd Bods. I´ve managed to get 5 from set 3. All archers but that´s what elves do best. Body swops. Top halves swopped onto bottom halves. The two male elves were a straight exchange. the Top half...
  11. Paul

    Black Riders

    12 bods and 10 Nags. 10 of the bods, 9 mounted and one on foot*, are the "run of the mill" and hard to tell apart Nazgûl / Ringwraiths. each one dressed the same as the last. Tiny amount of flash, mainly on the nags. The one really annoying thing, the fit of the riders to the nags. I had to...
  12. Paul

    New Fantasy sets from Alliance

    I know, I havent been active for..???..a long time but I keep looking at what´s going on in the world of bods..and today I found these.....Apparently they appeared in august this year. Maybe it´s time to get the paintbrushes out again Continue reading...
  13. Paul

    Anno 1329

    My personal contribution to the 1329 Teutonic Diorama.. 40 nags - (22 with riders) 271 bods - Soldiers and civilians 9 wagons/carts 7 mules, 4 Dogs, 1 ox, and 3 pigs. 10 sleeping kniggits and 12 empty beds 1 fireplace, 2 chairs, 17 tables, 18 benches and a heap of pots and bowls...
  14. Paul

    Medieval Russian Militia - Strelets

    Like the Medieval Russian Peasant Levy from Strelets, I´ve looked at them over at PSR and thought "Yuk!" but got both sets after seeing some conversion potential in the Peasant levy set. Not too many conversion possibilites with this far. One was holding a square shield, that got...
  15. Paul

    My 1/72nd collection.

    How many have I? * Good question. Audit time! First medievals in thier boxes From top left; Normans. 139 foot, 51 mounted Vikings 118 foot, 14 mounted and also in the box, 21 turcopoles Seige/artillery. 113 foot, 1 mounted, 21 guns, 2 rams, 5 seige mantlets, 2 catapults Transport. 40 foot. 12...