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  1. P

    I was thinking about buying the Danilo Cartacci Book ...

    I have the book and it helped me a lot! I wouldn't say it is a must have but It's on my top three figure books.
  2. P

    Photo backgrounds

    Thanks Jeff!
  3. P

    Photo backgrounds

    I just got Danilos Cartacci book and was amazed at the quality of photos. I was particulary impressed by the backgrounds. Is this done with Photoshop or just smart placement of another light at the bottom?
  4. P

    Austro-Hungarian storm trooper painted

    All I can say is awsome! Superb figure and painted even better! Well done, LP
  5. P

    How I paint figures.(easy and simple with gauranteed results)

    Very interesting start John. I'm intrigued. Primož
  6. P

    1:24 Austro-Hungarian storm trooper 1917

    Nice to see a fellow Slovenian on the forum and what a way to introduce yourself! The figure is awsome and I'm very eager to see it painted.
  7. P

    Young Miniatures - Box Art Photos

    Nice bust! I'm wondering about the color of the jacket; does anybody have any photos of the real one?
  8. P

    glossy highlights

    Thank you both.
  9. P

    glossy highlights

    Thanks Einion. No, not every color. How long do you have to wait in between coats?
  10. P

    glossy highlights

    I use Vallejo acrylics; my problem is that my highlights are always glossy. I read somewhere that you need to wait for the highlights to dry and then put your next highlight mix on. How long do you have to wait; can you use a hair blower? Thanks in advance
  11. P


    Yes! Finally a new motorcycle; I hope that it will be better than Italeri or Tamiya.
  12. P

    andrea's matt black

    Hey Brian! Someone suggested on this forum that you can add a little bit of Tamiya or gunze flat base to your paint mix; I tried with gunze and it worked like a charm.
  13. P

    wip fallschirmjäger

    Laurent nice painting! What size is the figure?
  14. P

    skin and stockings?

    I would not mind a secretary like her!:p
  15. P

    Sure shot

    You say you use inks;for what excatly? Btw,nice painting!