Recent content by Roman


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  1. R

    WIP The Warring States Period samurai statue

    Hi Naoya, nice to see you on Planetfigure! Great figure. I like it very much. Hope to see it finished as soon as possible. Roman
  2. R

    Minamoto no Yoshitsune bust

    Piotr, Kevin, Jose, Ulrich and Karl, many thanks for your kind words. Yes, the bust will be commercially available. Ulrich, the sword will be a bit longer. Thank you for pointing this out. Roman
  3. R

    Minamoto no Yoshitsune bust

    Many thanks Guy. Roman
  4. R

    Minamoto no Yoshitsune bust

    Hello Kieth, Marc, Ben, Ronald, Derek, David, Nicolas Thank you for your kind words. I do hope this bust will be available commercially. Roman
  5. R

    Minamoto no Yoshitsune bust

    Hello! This is a bust representing Minamoto no Yoshitsune. It is a two option bust. Hope you will find it nice. Special thanks to Mr. Naoya Yamaguchi for sending me great pics of the japanese armour of the Heian period.
  6. R

    We're back!

    I can see Gordy all the great work you've done and if you thought that it's time for changes, then probably you were right, but visiting Planetfigure was like visiting an old friend. I hope it will still be when I'll get used to the new looks of the site. Nevertheless it's a pitty everything...
  7. R

    WIP Kusonoki Masashige

    Many thanks Ron and Marcel. Regards Roman
  8. R

    WIP Kusonoki Masashige

    Thank you Keith for your interest. I don't know by now if the bust will be available. Roman
  9. R

    WIP Kusonoki Masashige

    Thank you Ron, Grzesiek, Gordy, Marc, Bill and Guy for your kind words. The bust is a bit raw at the moment but I always do it this way, Now it's time for the real work. Work on the details, the face, the band on his head, the cap and many ather areas. I'm even thinking of cuting his waist off...
  10. R

    WIP Kusonoki Masashige

    Hello My latest bust - Kusonoki Masashige. Still needs some work here and there but I think the bust will be ready within two or three days. All the best to everyone Roman
  11. R

    Ademola22 announcement

    Thank you all for your kind words and wishes. To markus: It's OK with your question. Personal reasons make me close Ademola. Regards Roman
  12. R

    Ademola22 announcement

    It's a very sad moment for me to inform you that I'm closing Ademola22 next month (in about two weeks). Thank you all for your friendship, support and kindness. The last five years were the best five years of my life, thanks to so many wonderful planetfigure members and users. Wish you all the...
  13. R

    Completed Critique Fidel CASTRO Ademola22

    Ernest I understand your feelings 100%. I answered you in anather thread and I will do it again. I run a small company ademola and I decided to add Castro to ademola's products . Castro was sculpted for a collector who first wanted him young and then old. After the work was finished he changed...
  14. R

    Open Book "Wind of Revolution" - Bolshevik - Castle Miniatures Review

    Great review of a fantastic bust. Bravo Yury!!! What a superb idea and sculpting.
  15. R

    Regarding Reviews

    Hello Guy makes the best reviews. With out his reviews I would have to say bye-bye and close my company. I'm grateful to him that he found time to make reviews of my products a small and unknown company. I shall never forget his kindness. I hardly can understand the problem he has with some...