Recent content by Sag997


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  1. Sag997

    French Sapper of the Guard

    Hello Planeteers!! This is my last bust! An amazing piece from Nutsplanet. Feel free to say your opinion and your critique.
  2. Sag997

    New release, SAPPER Foot Grenadiers of the Guard from Nutsplanet!!

    Amazingg!!!!!!! :woot::woot::woot:
  3. Sag997

    WIP Templar Knight

    I love the paintjob of the shield!
  4. Sag997

    WIP Critique Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854

    Some more ! Cheer's, Stelios !
  5. Sag997

    Wanting to Buy Latorre Maximus

    Hello planeteers! I am searching for Maximus miniature in 54mm from Latorre models! Thank you in advance! Stelios
  6. Sag997

    WIP Critique Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854

    Thank you! My fingers gets oily very easy especialy in hot days, so without gloves I can't touch the figure to paint a difficult part... :D :D
  7. Sag997

    WIP Critique Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854

    Some progress for today! :)
  8. Sag997

    Completed "Give Them The Cold Steel Boys"

    Woowwww!!! Amazing work!! Well done Christos! Very nice!! :)
  9. Sag997

    WIP Critique The Revolutionar 75 mm from Best Soldiers

    Very nice improvement! Well done!! :)
  10. Sag997


    Amazing! I love this face!! Well Done!
  11. Sag997

    For Sale Roman Legionary Dacian Wars 101-102 AD 90mm

    I am interested in Napoleonics, WWII Germans or Crusaders. Sorry for the lack of clarity. Thank you in advance, Stelios
  12. Sag997

    For Sale Roman Legionary Dacian Wars 101-102 AD 90mm

    If anyone wants I can swap it with Pegaso , Romeo [any scale] or Andrea [90mm].
  13. Sag997

    WIP Critique Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854

    Thank you Bob! :) The entire figure is painted in acrylics, I have used oil only for the leather belt.
  14. Sag997

    WIP Critique Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854

    Hello Everybody! Next project is a Highlander from Crimean War! An amazing piece from Stormtroopers with great sculpt! Feel free to say your opinion and your critique. Cheers, Stelios