Recent content by Stretch


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  1. Stretch

    WIP Iraq

    On the other hand, it might be best if the viewer doesn't know what the soldiers can expect on the other side of the door, just like they themselves do not. That would also keep this a "soldier's story" sort of work, rather than an attempt to tell a larger story which involves their opponents...
  2. Stretch

    WIP [finished] Rolling Thunder

    An F-105 Thunderchief, perhaps? I read that around half of all those were lost over North Vietnam (and the remainder were virtually worn out through extreme use at the end of the Rolling Thunder campaign).
  3. Stretch

    WIP [finished] Rolling Thunder

    My guess is that he's making a form to cast a transparent canopy--maybe of an F-4 Phantom. That would allow two figures (pilot and RIO or whatever).
  4. Stretch

    Stalingrad Inferno

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the leader leans seriously to the left while the man behind him leans to the right; I think having them closer to being on balance would improve the symmetry. Since they're running they need not be perfectly balanced, of course. Also, the one who's...
  5. Stretch

    New Release by Spearhead Miniatures

    At first glance, I was certain that this was a 1/35 half figure of a tank crewman.
  6. Stretch

    RLI This is Africa

    I bet his legs at least are from the Academy French Foreign Legion kit, specifically the black Legionaire in Djibouti standing with his hands behind his back (this is 1/35 scale, right?). I'm currently working on the Legionaire in Indochina. The faces of that kit are excellent, the hands less...
  7. Stretch

    MRLA Guerilla sculpty-conversion

    I guess it was a mistake to assume that an 8th Army soldier or US Marine would have the same body proportions as a Malay (actually, this guy would almost certainly be of Chinese stock, since the vast majority of MRLA personnel were Chinese emigrants). It's a little late to do anything about the...
  8. Stretch

    MRLA Guerilla sculpty-conversion

    The Malayan Races Liberation Army was the military arm of the Malayan Communist Party, which launched a guerilla war in 1948 in hopes of taking control of the then British colony of Malaya. After some early successes an effective counterinsurgency strategy instituted by several far-sighted...
  9. Stretch

    Problem Registering

    This also happened to me. Sometimes no more than three of the six necessary characters were visible. I "refreshed" (if that's the right term) countless times until I could see all six. I became so frustrated that I almost gave up altogether. My final conclusion (I could be wrong) was that...
  10. Stretch

    Uh... Hello?

    I've taken some photos of a recent project and am trying to figure out how to create a V-bench "blog", but haven't had much luck yet. I've entered my genuine name, which should be visible here, but it doesn't appear on the list of people authorized to create them. I'll try again...
  11. Stretch

    4th Regiment USMC in Shanghai, 1930s

    What scale is this? Looks great, especially the animation and fine details.
  12. Stretch

    Uh... Hello?

    Hi everyone, I'm a newly registered member. I had never even heard of PlanetFigure until recently. Let me give you a quick history of my hobby: I started out with 1/35 Tamiya stuff back in the '70s, started converting them into new poses and uniforms (kitbashing, I guess), then around 12 years...