Sculpted by Alejandro Ramirez Lopez for Icon Figures
Berserker 60 mm by ICON figs. Sculpted by Alejandro Lopez Ramirez. Painted, based and photographed by me for Flemish Priminitives.
(update with "studio" pic to complement the outdoor ones)
Thank you Stephan, if by grass you mean the long stalks at the front, I agree with you, and I was actually planning to cut them off. If you mean something else, I'm not sure what you mean :-)
Rrright. Thanks MarquisMini. Actually, I have Zap-a-gap here, but I have never used it, since I'm that guy who likes to use up his old superglue first :-)
Perhaps I should reconsider, then. Thanks for the advice!
Thank you for the tip, Richard. the thing is, I actually do this (rather, I mix it up), but in this particular instance I just had to give up after a number of tries of fixing the "metal" reins to the bridle. No matter how much superglue I used, it just wouldn't stick. So I resorted back to...
You can view additional pictures and the WIP thread here. I still haven't figured out if/how you can change the status from WIP to Completed.
Project 10 - "George Washington" – American War of Independence, 1775.
Started Nov 10th - Finished Dec 21st.
Airfix 54 mm.
Project 10 - "George Washington" – American War of Independence, 1775.
Airfix 54 mm
Started Nov 10th - Finished Dec 21st
Finally done. Three vintage Airfix models from the 70's in a small and simple vignette. Kudos to my brother-in-law, shipbuilder Jan Vandamme, who hand-made the...
Project 10 - "George Washington" – American War of Independence, 1775.
Started Nov 10th - That Figures Phase.
All three figures are now done. Time to think of a base. A simple one. A very very simple one ;-)