Recent content by wampum


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  1. wampum

    Viking Hersir 8-9th Cen.

    This piece is my first 90 mm scale figure. Produced by Soldiers, it is an old figure from my stock. Painted with acrylics and oils. Continue reading...
  2. wampum

    Montezuma the Aztec Emperor

    Pegaso Models, 75 mm white metal. Sculpted by Andrea Jula This figure was one of the most challenging projects I've tried. It is masterfully sculpted. The details are awesome. Continue reading...
  3. wampum

    Roman Optio

    Seil Models 54 mm white metal, sculpted by Yuri Serebryakov Continue reading...
  4. wampum

    Thraex vs Secutor

    Pegaso Models 54 mm white metal. Both figures are sculpted by Andrea Jula. Continue reading...
  5. wampum

    Janissary, 16. cen.

    Producer: Seil Models Sculptor: Yury Serebryakov Scale: 54 mm Continue reading...
  6. wampum

    Lokros Hoplite

    Producer: Romeo Models Scale: 54 mm Material: white metal Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno I painted this figure with great pleasure. It's nicely sculpted and came with Romeo Models' quality. The history of Thermopylae made this project even more interesting. The decorative motives on the Hoplon...
  7. wampum

    Siege of Akka 1189

    Producer: M Models Scale: 54 mm Material: resin I had fun working on this vignette kit. Sculpted and cast very well. The only disadvantage was the time consuming assembly process because of the lots of pieces. However, I think the result worths the time spent on working it. Painted with oils...
  8. wampum

    Cacciatore a Cavallo, 1812

    The figure comes from Masterclass at 54 mm scale. It is masterfuly sculpted by Stefano Cannone. It was a challenging figure with lots of nice details. I painted it using only acrylics. Continue reading...
  9. wampum

    Roman Legionary in Lorica Segmentata

    The figure comes from Pegaso Models at 75 mm scale. It is sculpted by a master sculptor, Yury Serebryakov. One of the best Roman Legionary figures I've ever seen on the market. Painted with oils over acrylics. Continue reading...
  10. wampum

    Daimyo on the workbench (Nov. 2006)

    The Last Daimyo is manufactured by Andrea Miniatures at 54 mm scale. I received this figure from a great friend as a gift. He just wanted to push me to the dark side (of the figures) and he did it! Thanks a lot Ragıp OY (aka zwan) for pushing me to the dark side, for your friendship, and...
  11. wampum

    Camerone, 30 Aprile 1863

    Producer: Pegaso Models Scale: 54 mm Material: white metal Sculptor: Stefano Cannone This vignette is based on the saga of the legionnaires at Camerone. CAMERONE, 30 April 1863 "Nous avons des cartouches et ne nous rendrons pas" The Mexican civil war had lasted three years, and the country...
  12. wampum

    1st Regt. Lanciers de la Garde 1809-15

    I used products of three different producer at this 54 mm scale vignette project. The mounted lancer is produced by Pegaso Models, and it is sculpted by Viktor Konnov. The standing lancer is from FM Beneito, and the horse at the background is from Thunderbird Miniatures. The red horse came...
  13. wampum

    Crusades vignette on workbench

    I am working on a 54 mm vignette project with figures from M-Model, Romeo and Pegaso Models. Assembly processes usually take some precious time but must be made carrefuly for a good result. Assembly of the resin kits are always messy. The first two kits assembled and primed with Vallejo...
  14. wampum

    Police vehicle

    My son Efe was 4 years old when he began to create his own Lego models. Usualy we buy him Lego kits, not bulk pieces. He builds these kits once or twice according to their plans and then makes them again pieces. All the pieces are in a huge plastic box and used according to his needs while...
  15. wampum

    Racing cars

    These ones have some interesting spoilers, so I've named them racing cars :) Continue reading...