Thanks but got to give credit to Mike Blank first.He showed me How to pose correctly and really made the figure come alive when we were working on posing it. He has been a big influence in sculpting and painting for me.I truly appreciate the comments though Gordy.
Hey Janne it is a Micheal Roberts horse again from his scrap box. I know Mike loves me for that Ive goten so many pieces from there-I cant help it they are so good!
Probably should of mentioned about the Russian Officer a little more. It depicts an Officer of the Preobrazhenski Regiment after the battle began.This was one of Tsar I Peter the Greats favorite Regiment.
Here is another 54mm scratchbuilt piece I am working on Mike Blank helped me with the pose. I have almost finished fleshing it out. I need to scrape off some of the excess resin in the areas that I have penciled in since it looks out of proprtion. Then its off to the clothing.Hope to have this...