Ongoing B-24 Diorama


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May 10, 2005
I've been an absentee forum member lately, but working on a large project based on a photo of my grandfather, a doctor in the 448th Bomb Group based at Seething near Norwich. This has been going on for over a year now, but I hope to wrap it up by April. The figures so far are modified from good old Airfix multipose kits with heads from Hornet. There will eventually be about five vehicles, plus the B-24, and likely twenty or so figures. I'm making my own nose art decals redrawn from original photos. This 1/32 kit is a monster.

IMG-1787.jpg IMG-1788.jpg IMG-1816.jpg IMG-1821.jpg IMG-1825.jpg IMG-1837.jpg IMG-1801.jpg
Oh, wow! It's not a "wedgie" focused on the gunner's port, it's the whole bird on the tarmac! That is an excellent project-do you have room to display it? ;)
I like the figures so far! Well done, and the officer with the glasses is the stand-out, so far.
I look forward to seeing more of your progress on this!
Oh, wow! It's not a "wedgie" focused on the gunner's port, it's the whole bird on the tarmac! That is an excellent project-do you have room to display it? ;)
I like the figures so far! Well done, and the officer with the glasses is the stand-out, so far.
I look forward to seeing more of your progress on this!

Yes, it's a monster, and no, I don't have room. After I get it done, I'm hoping to find a museum or other public institution who might display it. I would love for it to go to the control tower museum at Seething, but shipping from the US to the UK would likely be impossible. I also considered turning it into a table... not sure the wife would go for that though :) The fellow with the glasses is my grandfather, flight surgeon for the 713th Bomb Squadron.
Yeah, museums are a good idea, whether specialty aviation museums, or World War II-themed museums. I'm not far from the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum outside Reading, PA. They have display cases in their main hangar, filled with models, mostly in 1/48. But that's the kind of museum I think of-someplace with a collection of warbirds, and periodic events highlighting military aviation and history.

Yeah, museums are a good idea, whether specialty aviation museums, or World War II-themed museums. I'm not far from the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum outside Reading, PA. They have display cases in their main hangar, filled with models, mostly in 1/48. But that's the kind of museum I think of-someplace with a collection of warbirds, and periodic events highlighting military aviation and history.


For about 16 years, I lived near Columbus, Ohio and enjoyed several trips to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton. The world’s largest military aviation museum, I thought it was the best place to visit in Ohio [other than Crew Stadium, the best thing about Columbus is the I-270 Outer Belt, as you can get on it and almost completely avoid the city!!] and they have there a B-24 - - this link has a great high-definition photo gallery, some 360 degree images of various areas (including waist gunner station and bomb bay area) - may be a handy reference for Matt. Put it on your bucket list if you've not been there, the place is awesome, it could take a few days to properly see everything on display.
Yes, it's a monster, and no, I don't have room. After I get it done, I'm hoping to find a museum or other public institution who might display it. I would love for it to go to the control tower museum at Seething, but shipping from the US to the UK would likely be impossible. I also considered turning it into a table... not sure the wife would go for that though :) The fellow with the glasses is my grandfather, flight surgeon for the 713th Bomb Squadron.

Matt, perhaps the U.S. Air Force might assist in transferring the completed diorama to Seething, and given the number of hours and outstanding work you've put into it, as well as the personal connection through your grandfather, maybe the USAAF would fly you and your wife across with it. Otherwise, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force would be a fitting site for it to be displayed. Good luck and best regards.
Matt, perhaps the U.S. Air Force might assist in transferring the completed diorama to Seething, and given the number of hours and outstanding work you've put into it, as well as the personal connection through your grandfather, maybe the USAAF would fly you and your wife across with it. Otherwise, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force would be a fitting site for it to be displayed. Good luck and best regards.

"Hello, USAF? Could I borrow a C-130 to transport a model? Really? And you'll airlift it out of my house too? Fantastic!" :)
"Hello, USAF? Could I borrow a C-130 to transport a model? Really? And you'll airlift it out of my house too? Fantastic!" :)

Ha! I'd guess for your diorama to enjoy a great landing, it'll depend on the attitude and angle of approach...? Were you planning on offering to donate it? If you really wouldn't have space for it at your home, surely no harm in contacting the museum group at Seething and/or the National Museum at Dayton to gauge interest and/or to seek assistance while continuing to completion on the model?

By the way, not being familiar with Seething as an Air Force base, yesterday I spent some time browsing at - - an excellent site with fascinating information and details on the aircraft and servicemen there. All credit and respect to your grandfather and the men and women of his generation.

[PS: to clarify, absolutely no offence intended, not trying to stick my nose in here, just genuinely interested in your project.]
"Hello, USAF? Could I borrow a C-130 to transport a model? Really? And you'll airlift it out of my house too? Fantastic!" :)

A very good idea as it goes. Just ask - they can only say No! If you found a sympathetic ear, maybe a spot could be found for it in a quiet corner on some routine flight to the UK. It's not as if it would cost them anything and it'd be a nice little bit of PR.

As for the diorama, that is a spectacular project and I'm really looking forward to seeing it finished.

- Steve
Hi Matt

Others have said it but WOW!!!...what a fabulous tribute to your grandfather , great modelling so far

Do share as many pics as possible this is going to be something very special ......a museum piece for sure

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Here's some more progress. I created nose art decals by redrawing the ones from the original plane in Procreate, but they were quite pale, so I used them as painting templates. I can't resist dry fitting the parts together to see how the whole deal will look.
Reminds me of some of Shep Paine's wonderful dioramas.


I think the reason I even still build, and why I took up figures in the first place was Shep Paine's great booklets that came with Monogram kits in the 70s. I've always wanted to have my own style, but it seems that when things come out to suit me folks say they can see his influence. I've come to consider it praise :).

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