A few years back a friend was asked to break the swords off all of his figures because the TSA considered them miniture weapons. My friend Larry was forced to send his large scale figure through the X-ray machine he told them that they needed to make sure it did not go sliding down the ramp at the other end because it was fragile they said not problem and of course let it slid down the ramp where it broke.
The last time I traveled I took a clear plastic box and only held down the figures with wax. They could see in to my box and I was more then willing to let them take the figures out of the box so they could see what they were. A good friend i was traveling with takes his figures in cigar boxes that he screws the figures down inside. I thought they were going to do a cavity search on him.
In some ways I think we have so over reacted to the threat that terrorists pose, that we in fact they have already lost the war on terror. They are making us do exactly what we made the Russians do at the end of the cold war. Spend money we do not have. I find myself wondering if it is even worth going anywhere on a plane anymore. We are talking two days travel time for a two day trip. I am starting to think the train may be the way to go. Spend that 6 hours you would spend in line at the airport crossing a state or two.