Signifer: Carried the roman standards (Signum).
Aquifiler: Carries the eagle-standard of a legion.
Imaginifer: Carries the portrait auf the (living!) emperor as commander-in-chief
This is not a Signifer, for he carries no standard. An it is no Aquilfer, for he carries no Eagle. And it is not an Imaginifer, for he carries not an Imago with a portrait of an emperor.
In my opinion the sign shows the roman god Iuppiter Ammon. On roman reliefs this god was often shown with beard and ram horns...:
We know it even from roman tiles...:
There remain only two choices:
First: The "Signifer" carries a deity as an ensign.
Second: This is not a Signifer but a Imaginifer which carries an image of the emperor as Jupiter Ammon.
Both are at least very unusual.
So: What is he...?