Kusma Krjutschkow, 4th Don Cossack Regiment, 1914


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I work together with Heinz on my next procet parallel. And it is - surprise! - a Cossack again! It is since today eady sculpted by Heinz.. I will post some pics soon...


59. Day, January 19, 2018

I have just finished the painting of the reins hand!

I took the same colors as for the face ...

...the hand but overall a little darker than the facial skin, as is usually the case in reality.

First the fingers ...:

The top of the fist clenched hand is sculpted quite smoothly ...:

Doing the same with painting with light and shadow would have been the simple variant.

But on a rein fist plays a lot off when it grabs while riding, as this example shows ...:

And I also painted that!

It still glazes still very much - just finished - but hopefully you will be able to see what I have painted ...:

The reins hanging out of the fist remain unpainted yet! It will be their turn when I have put Kusma Kryuchkov on horseback and made the rest of the reins and attached them to fist and bridle. Later on.

Next Monday we continue with the belt of our friend!

60. Day, January 22, 2018

The Russian army marched into First World War with wide leather belts which carried large brass buckles ...:

Here are two infantrymen with such belts on ...:

Each branch had its own version - here again the model for the infantry ...:

For artillery, for example, cannon barrels were added to the Tsar's eagle ...

... for sappers there were crossed axes ...:

The only ones who did not wear such belts were the Cossacks!

They preferred very narrow leather belt with simple metal buckle ...:

But why?

There were three reasons for this:

First, it is relatively expensive to keep such a belt buckle "in good condition", the sensitive material had to be cleaned very often - too much effort for a Cossack.

Secondly: A polished belt buckle made of brass reflects sunlight very well - and betrays its wearer even at a long distance!
For Cossacks, who did a lot of reconnaissance and on-the-spot service, in which it was important to remain unseen, so completely unsuitable.

The third reason shows this photo ...:

The rather large buckle presses when sitting in the abdominal area - and the longer you sit, the more uncomfortable gets this pressure!
And Cossacks sat a lot - on horses!

That's why they preferred other belts with other buckles!

The color of the leather could vary considerably, as the next picture shows, showing three Cossacks. By the way, Kusma Kryuchov is on the left ...:

However, even with these belts a reddish brown tone dominated!

The brown tone I did this time with these colors ...:

And the buckle again with ...

That's how it has become - it glazes still a bit ...:

63. Day, January 25, 2018

Today was once again craft day!

First, I did the reins. They are from thick gold paper - the tiny buckles are made of 0.5 mm thick solder ...:

The reins are hanging like the original movable on the two bridle rings of the bridle ...:

Then I put Kuzma Krjuchkov on his "Moya"!

Two thick steel pins and two-component adhesive ...

... ensure a stable connection!

So much for today...:

For the lousy picture quality today I have to apologize again!

I had to photograph with artificial light - ceiling lamp and additional daylight lamp - and the light distorts a lot - especially the colors ...

So .......the pairing of man to horse begins ...looking good together

Reins look good scale as well.

A question if I may........The base is obviously high due to the lance but is the base weighted at the lower part to stop the piece falling ?

Thanks Nap, I had... :cool:


65. Day, January, 29, 2018

I just finished the reins!

For this I have extended my variants for "reddish-brown" leather with a mixture of these colors ...:

The tiny homemade buckles are painted with acrylics ...:

Comes together quite good I think...:

Finally, I painted the "invisible side" with black ...:

Actually, the components "torso" and "horse" would be finished, if not ...

As a friend once wrote to my stuff: "Something always happens to you ...!"

And unfortunately he was right again!

Tomorrow more ...

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