Despite not doing legs this has to be one of my favourite figures
Great start on yours mate ...will you push the green further
Following with interest
Happy benchtime
Very nice contrast Bob....looks a good choice.... Mike
Another winner Bob - liking your interpretation of the rifle green coat & the shading on the pants. Nice groundwork too.
Is the figure white metal or resin?
5th Georgia Infantry 1861. Sculpted many years ago by Raul Garcia Latorre. I also have it but never put it together and painted it. The hand holding the cap was missing. It is a great sculpt although I think the head is a bit too small for his built.
Thanks for the info re. burnishing the sword Bob - duly noted for future use!
Excellent paint so far Bob!
Looking great Bob! I really like the simple but effective groundwork.
Cheers Nap, yes I will push the highs further but not a lot. This was a find on e-bay and cheap too.
Hope your move went smoothly.
Look forward to more mate and seeing it at BC ....
Honestly life's not fair ...good looks and now you find this on flea bay ..cheap !!!
Move went okay but tired now ...no bench yet ..but soon !!!
Happy benchtime
Thanks Nap, Hope your settled soon and up and running with a bust and yes this will be at Bugle call.
Great comments , thank you.
Really looking nice Bob.
Looks very good Bob. Just finished my own version and after seeing your start, my guy is headed back for a "facial". BTW the figure is a LATORRE MODELS figure (at least mine is),