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  1. roadking

    My Impression of Euro 2013

    Thanks for the photos Marc. Jim
  2. roadking

    "Sea Peoples", 13-12 century BC

    Fantastic sculpts and right up my alley. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on these two kits. Jim
  3. roadking

    Oils Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Completed

    Thanks to all for the kind comments. Jim
  4. roadking

    Oils Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Completed

    I have finally completed this beauty from Laruccia and Alexandros Miniatures. This was a really great piece with a number of painting challenges. The cloak is based on an existing piece of cloth from the period that is woven wool. Despite the decorous appearance of the figure I wanted to...
  5. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Completed

    Finished at last. As I said in my last post I had to replace the mile marker with a watering trough but I am very happy with the end results. Now on to finishing a few other in-progress pieces as well as starting a few new projects for the fall and winter. Continue reading...
  6. roadking

    OMSS 2013 at Fort York, Toronto

    Sad I didn't realize the show was today. I would have loved to have motored up for the day with a display. Maybe next year. Jim Johnston
  7. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #7

    The plaid cloak is finished and further detail work done as well. A step by step on this pattern technique is shown below. I am on the home stretch with this figure. A few more details and completion of the architectural feature to be added in the corner of the base. This has changed from my...
  8. roadking

    News La Meridiana

    I love this piece and feel that no collection of Native North american subjects would be complete without it. I get that some people are having a hard time understanding this piece. I am sure that this is mostly based on unfamiliarity with the subject matter depicted. Having been born in the...
  9. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #6

    Summer is a slow time for painting figures, at least for me. With a new dog and work, summer weather slows the time for painting. However I am slowly making progress as can be seen above and below. Most of my work has been on the cloak and various small details of the figure. The photo...
  10. roadking

    WIP Critique Mongol warrior (SK)

    Very Nice! Great color choices also. Jim
  11. roadking

    New from Linjo - Chinese Empress Zhen Huan

    Stunning work! This is a "must have" kit for me! Jim
  12. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #5

    So this is where our Roman friend stands at the moment. I have been plodding along getting the mix right and playing with a few ideas on the figure and felt it was time for an update. How I got to this point is shown below. The armor had initially been given a dark wash to bring out the...
  13. roadking

    Pegaso Knight Hospitaller Bust - Update #2

    My focus on this bust has been painting the helmet armor. The kit is obviously resin so I had a few choices for how I wanted to tackle the metal bits. The first choice and least liked for this project was simply working with printer's inks and oil paints. Due to the scale and the large smooth...
  14. roadking

    Pegaso Knight Hospitaller Bust - Update #1

    As if I don't have enough irons in the fire I started a few other additional busts as well as Ludendorff so that I would pieces at various stages for my last painting class. This means I have way too many things on my workbench but I also have a lot to keep me busy and complete. All in all a mix...
  15. roadking

    Erich von Ludendorff bust - Update #1

    I recently held one of my little figure painting classes at our local hobby shop "Section 8 Hobbies" here in Buffalo and as part of my demo I began painting this bust from Ulrich Puchala's line of portrait busts. I have been meaning to start on this for some time and this was the perfect...
  16. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #3

    The first of two updates as I work through the painting of our centurion's flesh tones. These first two photos show the basic flesh tones with mid-tone highlight and shadows done with wet-on-wet blending. As always, flesh is a mix of Burnt Sienna, Medium Cad Red and Cad Yellow Deep, with Cad...
  17. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #4

    As always, once dry, highlight tones are added using a glaze of Titanium White and Cad Yellow Deep. Cadmium Red Deep with hints of Mars Black were applied to the base of the feathers and pure Cad Red Deep was applied to the remainder of the feathers. This provides the base tones over which the...
  18. roadking

    Michael Kontraros Collectibles - First release

    Very nice! I am happy to see you take the plunge with your work. I will be buying one of these, no doubt. Jim
  19. roadking

    For Sale Pegaso & Nocturna Models

    Did you ever sell these? Jim
  20. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #2

    I always like to include a posting showing the project figures in their primed state. I think that taking the time to study a casting primed and ready to go not only helps to catch any missed areas that still need cleaning but also helps to fill the head with the small details. I like to...