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  1. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #1

    Assembly and Staging Assembly was fairly straightforward and actually quite well engineered. I have put together everything but the crest, right hand with grapevine vitis (cane) and cloak/sword halves. The latter items will be attached after painting has begun for ease of access to the figure's...
  2. roadking

    Sad news from MFCA

    Very, very sad! Vern was a well known and well loved member of the community. He and his wife were always there for the club, show, friendship and memories. Even as he slowed down, Vern was always there at the show enjoying the comraderie. We all will miss him. Jim
  3. roadking

    Ancient Egypt infantrymen

    Wonderful work. I wish it was a commercial figure. Jim
  4. roadking

    54mm Gunther von Schwarzburg - Completed

    At last our little friend is completed. This was a long project but one that was very educational. In the end I learned a number of new techniques, experimented with color and I am happy with the final results. Enjoy! Continue reading...
  5. roadking

    Still sitting unfinished on my bench. Soon to start back in again. Jim

    Still sitting unfinished on my bench. Soon to start back in again. Jim
  6. roadking

    Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - 54mm Alexandros Kit

    A new item on review here prior to my starting assembly is this wonderful new kit from Alexandros in 54mm from the capable hands of Larrucia. Quintus Sertorius Festus a Centurian from Legion XI "Claudia Pia Fidelis" is based on a famous burial stele found in Verona Italy. One of three brothers...
  7. roadking

    Soldiers Gunther von Schwarzburg - Update #8

    A bit of honesty here.....I love medieval subjects, but I HATE painting heraldry, especially the more detailed it becomes. This figure has a ton of lions, equally spaced all over the blue surcoat. I started painting them by using a mixture of Yellow Ochre and Cadmium Yellow Deep. This mixture is...
  8. roadking

    MFCA 2013 May 10th and 11th

    Jeez Paul, you could have stayed home to watch the Blue Jays lose............ Just sayin. Seriously, we will miss you. One less Scot at the bar! Jim
  9. roadking

    MFCA 2013 May 10th and 11th

    Time for a bit of blatant advertising here! Upcoming in a few weeks is the annual MFCA show in King of Prussia/Valley Forge, PA (Philadelphia area). This is the original and certainly oldest show in existence in the US, having been started as a club in 1941. Their exhibits are distinguished by...
  10. roadking

    Completed Templar Knight XII c. (Pegaso Models. 90mm)

    Wonderful job on this great figure. I'm inspired! Jim
  11. roadking

    YoungMiniatures Roman Aquilifer bust - Update #7

    A few quick shots of the face and helmet portion of our Roman friend. Work proceeds on the fur and the Eagle sculpt. More to come soon. Continue reading...
  12. roadking

    Soldiers Gunther von Schwarzburg - Update #7

    Progress is very slow considering the amount of time I have spent working on the metal details. Getting everything fine tuned is a long process and there is still quite a ways to go here. I would love to have this one done for MFCA - who knows, maybe. I have started on the sword, legs and...
  13. roadking

    Meteors of Aegis, 2 of 4

    Wonderful use of reflected light and color. Warm on one side, cold on the other. Great job! Jim
  14. roadking

    Coming May 12th to

    Well sir, keep me in mind and let me know when and if you do any pieces in a smaller scale like 54 or 75. I prefer 54 but I do like the subjects you are exploring. It is really fun watching the growth, development and Genesis of this new technology. Jim
  15. roadking

    Coming May 12th to

    I for one would love to have and paint the plump un-named Belgian chap in 54mm (first choice) or 75mm. Jim
  16. roadking

    United Empire Miniatures New Release Cornplanter

    Very nice! Jim
  17. roadking

    FIRST LEGION: Agincourt 1515

    This may be a question that others have asked in the past, but are these only available as pre-painted or are they available as kits? Singles or in sets? Jim
  18. roadking

    New Romeo Models - THESPIAN HOPLITE

    I like this one better as I have always felt the knee up on the rock was a bit akward for my taste.
  19. roadking

    Slavic Warrior, VII century A.D. - Pegaso Models April release

    Another great figure but I for one wish that we could get some new 54mm figures. I'm not all that sold on the 75mm figures. They are a nice midde road between 54 and 90/120mm but I miss the odd 54mm release from Pegaso these days. Jim