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  1. J

    Desvaux St.Maurice

    This is beautiful so far and I'm confident for the rest ;) Bye JP
  2. J

    Championats du Sud report

    Yes rob this is a big tendency in france. THis started one and a half year ago and fantasy figure are more and more present in our competitions. Mostly these painters are quite young (and many are extremely talented) and are also interrested in painting historical figures. Many displays were...
  3. J

    Championats du Sud report

    I put a report about the 17th Championnats Du Sud wich took place on the 4th and 5th of December in Blagnac in the sout of France. Etendard occitan website : go to "les championnats du Sud" page. There are more than 90 pictures... Here is a sample : Bye Jean-Philippe
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    Bill Horan's December Project

    Thanks a lot Bill, I've always loved your SBS but with you "in flesh" answering the questions this is absolutely perfect, thanks for sharing all this stuff. This is very inspiring... Thanks also for your conference in Girona, I had the chance to be there... ;) Bye Jean-Philippe
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    Latorre Models

    The master of this bust was in Girona and the head IS the one of the pirate bust, exactly the same. Nevertheless if you forget that point this bust is very nice... Bye JP
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    Roman Legionary 1st C BC

    OK Ernesto I will be pleased if I can help you. Send the message here : [email protected] I don't konw if you have seen the article is french on our website : Etendard Occitan It has been translated in spanish on lilliput also. Feel free to ask all the questions... Bye ;) JP
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    US Tankcrew in HBT

    Calvin you did a great job, th econtrast are beautiful and the texture effect is great... Congratulations JP
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    Soldiers' Viking

    Thanks guys for the kind words, I'm glad you like it :) I will share pics of another figure soon... Bye JP
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    Roman Legionary 1st C BC

    Congratulations Ernesto, your Roman soldier is very nice... Bye JP
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    Soldiers' Viking

    Thanks stephen this is quite a compliment ! I prefer that than the contrary ;) See you... Jean-Philippe
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    Soldiers' Viking

    Thanks for the kind words. Ernest, the metal part where painted with Gunze Sangyo Mr metal following The article of Augie Rodriguez. For the axe I add the used look with black sépia and burnt sienna oils paints dots. For the shield I first painted the wooden parts to be seen due to red and black...
  12. J

    Soldiers' Viking

    Hello, Here are a few pictures of my version of Soldiers' Viking. I'm waiting for your comments. There is an article in french in the Etendard Occitan website with more pictures. As you can see my digital camera is less accurate than Hardy's one but it fits with the level of detail I'm able to...
  13. J

    Girona report

    I put a report about Girona in the Etendard Occitan website Go to "les reportages" page... The pictures are poor because I had to take them trough the glasses... Hope you will enjoy though. Some pictures of bill horan and Raul Latorre last creations Bye ;) Jean-Philippe
  14. J

    Roman Legionary 1st C BC

    I used to paint with oils (this is the case for the roman) and now I use both oils and acrylics (I kept oils for the skin parts...) I'm not sure my design on the shield is accurate, it probably looks more like an imperial roman design rather than like a republican one... I'm glad you like it...
  15. J

    Roman Legionary 1st C BC

    Beautiful painting, you did a great job on every single part. Tha face is very convicing though difficult to paint with the helmet (I painted this kit also). I like very much the used effect on the red parts, and also the helmet. The oinly thing that I ike less is the colour of the "crest" that...
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    Saint-Vincent Report

    C'est avec plaisir que je partage avec vous toutes ces photos. Je suis en train de préparer un reportage sur le concours de Gérone en Espagne ou a pu voir plein de magnifiques figurines, notamment celles de Bill Horan qui était invité... Je vous tiens au courant. Si on est mieux servis que vous...
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    Saint-Vincent Report

    Thanks, this is fixed you can enjoy the last pics... Bye JP
  18. J

    Saint-Vincent Report

    I put a report about Saint Vincent in the Etendard Occitan website Go to "les reportages" page... There are 84 pictures. This is not much compared to the 1700 figures in competition but it will give you an idea, it was HUGE ! Bye Jean-Philippe
  19. J

    Which head have us ??

    Hey kamil, don't you have a bigger an un-resized picture ! The "scenery" seems also very interesting :lol: Bye JP
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    I think you can order through their website : Ares mythologic Bye JP