Thanks again guys. The coat is suppose to look like leather and the paints are supposed to look like satin. I guess the lights really didn't capture the effect I was looking for. Thanks for the input!
Thanks! There is a lot of airbrushing, but there is also oil washes and pastel work. The coat is almost entirely done with an airbrush. I use a variety of acrylics through the airbrush.:)
Here's piece I have working on for awhile, he's almost done. The great coat is suppose to be leather . When finished he'll stand about 15 in tall. Thanks for looking. , , ,
Here is some pics of the WIP of the Geo bust of the Jeepers Creepers. Forgive the images and the paint work, it's been awhile since I slung some paint. It looks better in person and I'm a little RUSTY!:D
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Here are some kits I know I'll never paint. Some have prices, some don't(which means make me a reasonable offer). Shipping will be a little extra, but will try and keep it cheap.
- Mounted Tamerlane Warlord , 75mm/ I&E Miniatures : $25.00
- Corporal 5th Georgia Inf. "Clinch Rifles" ...