The set F-009 - Kosciuszko at Raclawice 1794 and polish dancers. This is very rare set was released in 1994.
You can purchase it by PM or here
The last news from Master Box
Master Box 35224 Kit №2 Azov Regiment, Defence of Mariupol, March 2022 - 1/35
To purchase it welcome here
Master Box 35228 Russian-Ukrainian War series, № 5. Refugees, March 2022 -...
Danmodel DM35158 - Ukrainian soldier with Javelin, Russian-Ukrainian war 2022, set 9, 1/35
Danmodel DM35159 - Ukrainian soldier with Barrett M107A1, Russian-Ukrainian war 2022, set 10, 1/35...
Another one new kit from Master Box dedicated ukrainian soldiers in Russian-Ukrainian war 2022
Master Box 24085 - Ukrainian soldier , Defence of Kyiv, March 2022, 1/24
To purchase it welcome here
Master Box 35223 - Russian-Ukrainian War series. Defence of Kyiv, March 2022. Trophy. Kit No.1, 1/35
To purchase it welcome here
The set F-008 Russian artillery at fire, 1812-1814 was released in 1993, engraver is V. Yankovsky.
You can purchase it by PM or by the link
The set F-007 - Russian Guard infantry , 1812-1814 was released in 1993. The engraver V. Yankovsky
You can order it to PM or by the link
The set F-006 - Russian general staff in Borodino (battle at Moscowa), 1812. It was first release made by V. Yankovski. Later this set was re-edited by Yankovski in more expanded and updated option, but not for us.
To purchase this set go to link...
The set F-005 - Russian Guard infantry in attack, Austerlitz battle, 1805.
Was edited in 1992-93
You can order it by PM or by the link
The set F-004 - French infantry at reserve, battle at Austerlitz, 1805 was released in 1992-93.
You can order it by PM or by the link
The 3rd set of VID soldiers is F-003 - Zaporozhian cossacks, 17 c. This set was made like opposite troops for F-002 Polish winged hussars. It was begin in 1992 and we thought make a big set of cossacks. Unhappy, by different reasons we didn't release it full. You can see this set in actual sell...
Next set F-002 - Polish winged hussars, 17 c. was released in 1992. This project was released complete - all of 10 figures.
You can order it by the link
VID soldiers - manufacturer of metal figurines from Ukraine. It was founded in 1991. The main direction of their goods is round figures but we released some of flat figures. The first set of flat figures was F-001 - Ancient Egypt Heroes from opera "Aida". The project of full set you can see on...
New serie opened, 1/32 scale