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  1. F Troop

    New from Scale 75

    Keith Rocco is one of my favorite ACW artist and I've always liked this painting. Mine is already on order! FYI: Columbus C. Taylor, Co D "Madison Home Guards", 3rd GA Vol Infantry, KIA 1 July 1862, Malvern Hill
  2. F Troop

    Weapon designs for figures

    Answered my question before I even asked. Watching your releases
  3. F Troop

    Mark II Cockle Canoe - Frankton Ops

    Appreciate the LifeColor info. Heading to the local IPMS show this weekend and will keep an eye open for the color I need. Thanks
  4. F Troop

    Mark II Cockle Canoe - Frankton Ops

    FYI - the only surviving example on display at the Combined Services Museum in Maldon, Essex, UK, is painted Battleship Grey (Admiralty Grey 507) according to the staff. That corresponds with 'The Cockleshell Canoes" by Quentin Rees. All the pics I've seen of later canoes in the green/black...
  5. F Troop

    Wanting to Buy Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova

    54mm Chronos Miniature CHM-54080 Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova in 8th Lancers uniform. Still looking for this figure. Only found one on Esty but that's got to be pirated. Rather not support that.
  6. F Troop

    Cream of Tartar - Anyone used this for snow?

    I am curious as to the technique of using Cream of Tartar for realistic snow.
  7. F Troop

    Mark II Cockle Canoe - Frankton Ops

    Is there any documentation concerning the color of these canoes? Most depictions show a black/dark green camouflage. The IWM canoe is painted in such a scheme. However the only surviving example is assumed to be No.6 "Cachalot" which is on display at the Combined Military Services Museum...
  8. F Troop

    Weapon designs for figures

    Have you considered a Springfield and Enfield rifles for the American Civil War? Cavalry sabers would be nice also. Just asking.
  9. F Troop

    Chota Sahib and Former Studio Sarum Figurine ranges

    I for one would love to see Sid Horton's Chota Sahib range back in production and when all the smoke clears, maybe they will be made available to us USA types this side of the pond.
  10. F Troop

    New figures from Legion Miniatures!

    That's a nice looking figure. Question: How or where can I get one?
  11. F Troop

    Ivan the Terrible from Pegaso Models

    That is just a beautiful piece of artwork. My highest compliments
  12. F Troop

    Avanpost 75mm

    Thanks for the tutorial, Bob. I have more figures to paint than I'll ever get to so I'm always on the lookout for simpler painting methods, especially since I rarely enter figures in competition any longer. I decided to have fun and paint for myself. One of the reasons I switched over to...
  13. F Troop

    Avanpost 75mm

    Amazing job on the face (54mm???) with just three colors. I like it. Ground work is nice also
  14. F Troop

    confederate colonel 54mm

    Is this an original sculpt or a manufactured figure? I don't recall seeing it before.
  15. F Troop

    confederate colonel 54mm

    Looking nice. I hope the "woke folks" don't see it Who's the mfg?
  16. F Troop

    Wanting to Buy Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova

    Thanks Hollebrandse. I've tried this site earlier. Almost all of it is in Korean, very little will translate via internet, no luck in moving from domestic cart to international cart, looks like they want your bank account number, and the latest "note" says we are preparing to open 16/12/08...
  17. F Troop

    Wanting to Buy Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova

    54mm Chronos Miniature CHM-54080 Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova in 8th Lancers uniform. OOP and it would seem impossible to find except for knockoffs and I really don't want to support those guys. Anyone have a spare or one in their GA that you are willing to part company with?
  18. F Troop

    HistoricalMiniatures on Etsy

    Figured it was a re-pop. Been out OOP for awhile and can't seem to find one. Chronos 54mm chm-54080 Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova. It's a simple figure and apparently Chronos has no plans to redo it. Been watching eBay but no joy there.
  19. F Troop

    HistoricalMiniatures on Etsy

    I've been looking for an OOP Chronos miniature for sometime. Found this fellow on Etsy who's selling the figure painted as a "tin figure" Anyone know if these are originals or recasts? I believe he is in Ukraine. TIA Would appreciate any information
  20. F Troop

    146th New York, 1864 (Castle Miniatures - 54mm)

    Nice paint job on the 146th Edward. I'd like to see Castle do a few more zouaves. I'm working on the same figure right now doing a paint conversion to a Confederate zouave. Look forward to seeing more ACW zoo-zoo's from you. I like your 146th blue. It has that tint of grey in it that to my...