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  1. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Hans Joachim von Zieten

    Wonderful job Marcel! I like what you did with the saddle blanket. I like the green leg you swapped out better than the original. ;) Very nice job over all!
  2. kathrynloch

    Completed Templar Knight, 13th Century.

    Lovely work! I just wish I could see more of the horse! :)
  3. kathrynloch

    For Sale 72mm Limited Edition Chaos Knight as Storm King on Ebay now Featuring a low reserve and a Buy It Now option. Come on over - stop in and say hi! :thumb:
  4. kathrynloch

    Completed Critique Chaos Knight 72mm Limited Edition

    Hey gang I haven't been posting because I've been working my tooshie off. Chaos Knight is done! I've got a lot of updating to do, so how about if I post some pics and if anyone has questions, I'll answer and you guys can give me your thoughts on the completed piece...
  5. kathrynloch

    Completed Critique I need a little help

    Hello! For your very first horse you're doing an awesome job! They are my main interest so I'm happy to help if you need it! I've just been swamped and haven't been able to visit like I want to. But before you add more meat to his bones, you've got some major structural problems. His neck is...
  6. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Pegaso Roaming Knight

    Thank you so much Adrian! So sorry for my delayed reply, I've been absolutely swamped over here. I'm definitely going to look at your link as soon as I finish this. I definitely like the idea. While I have been rather quiet here, I once again have a ton of updating to do because I've been...
  7. kathrynloch

    Completed Critique Chaos Knight 72mm Limited Edition

    My first and second attempts at freehand. So I was home from work sick yesterday but managed to get some painting in. I decided to try my luck with the freehand. I used a warm-toned gray over the cool toned blues and grays in the cloak so I could easily paint over it if I bombed, which I knew I...
  8. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Marwari Stallion - commission piece equine resin

    Thank you John! I appreciate it! I enjoy doing this stuff and you know the saying, 'find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life.' lol! I love painting and I love horses so I have a lot of fun with it. What's even better is when I can help folks out here and there...
  9. kathrynloch

    Completed Critique Chaos Knight 72mm Limited Edition

    Thank you Andrew! I hope I can figure out a way to do it. I'm going to practice. I could probably make a stencil too. I'll see how it goes. Thank you Jamie! I'm glad you like him. The progress seems slow at times but he's packed with detail. Thank you again! Cheers, Karrie
  10. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Pegaso Roaming Knight

    Thank you Steve! So glad you like the base! :D Cheers, Karrie
  11. kathrynloch

    Completed Critique Chaos Knight 72mm Limited Edition

    When I go to do all of my updates, that's when I realize how much work I've accomplished. lol! I finished up the shield. Then it was just as tough getting decent photos of it. lol! Okay that's enough of that nonsense. But then I ran into yet another problem. Ya...
  12. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Pegaso Roaming Knight

    I started applying my make-shift color weathering washes. Well that looks like something you'd find in an aquarium. I used a black glaze followed by a light wash of brown ink. The color from the weathering washes are now more muted with the inks but they do show through quite well. Better...
  13. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Pegaso Roaming Knight

    Wow! I seriously need to update this thread - lots and lots of changes. So, after the hooves, I decided to start on the metal base. Talk about just plain boring! The rocks are okay, so-so with the shading and highlight but on the other's a rock. Even adding greenery...
  14. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Marwari Stallion - commission piece equine resin

    Thank you very much Dave! 1/16th scale is a bit tougher as only one company I know of makes it consistently. Do you want painted or something you can paint? Stone Horses makes them, they are called Pebbles but most these models are pre-painted. Occasionally they release unpainted resins or...
  15. kathrynloch

    lol! Funny glitch

    I ran across this and laughed. (Click on image for larger.) It put one of my pics in for the thumbnail on the Workshop thread - or at least the moved Workshop thread. I have a feeling everyone who views it directly will see something different. I saw something similar awhile back...
  16. kathrynloch

    Completed Critique Young's Teutonic Knight Bust

    Andrew you did a fantastic job! And I agree, that shield is really cool!
  17. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Marwari Stallion - commission piece equine resin

    Have I got some serious updating to do. All of my projects have pics and need their threads updated, it's just been making the time to do it. lol! This little guy got sorta pushed to the side while I battled with some apoxie issues on something else. So I worked on him quite a bit yesterday...
  18. kathrynloch

    Completed Nostalgic - just a bit of fun

    Cool! Talk about a trip down memory lane!
  19. kathrynloch

    WIP Critique Young Teutonic Knight Bust

    It's gotta be my monitor then Andrew. He's looking really great and nice job on the stag!