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  1. C

    Confederate soldier

    looks great man.. I love the pose of this fig
  2. C

    Using GW colors on larger scales

    With the new Citadel Foundation paints GW has been movin on up with quality! I do think that the only issue I have is colour selection for some pieces, but other than that, they work quite well, mix well, and generally dry pretty flat these days!
  3. C

    throw up man

    hahahah now that's a classic! Great idea and nice sculpt! Add some chunks of chicken fingers and nachos and man, that'd be me a few times here or there LOL
  4. C

    Trip down memory lane with Lord Cardigan.

    Rocco, I like the natural looking highlights and shading on the jacket... I'm a big fan of attaining realism, and I think you've done it with this one! Too many times I see highlighting that's very artistic, but doesn't seem to attain realism! You've got it here my friend. How was the LI...
  5. C

    1st NY Continental Infantry Andrea 54mm Finished.

    Thanks for the comments guys! And much appreciated tips! Gary, I have seen the ny symbol on both cartridge boxes and canteens, so in my understanding it should be correct! Thanks gaing guys!
  6. C

    1st NY Continental Infantry Andrea 54mm Finished.

    I gues the pics are a little too close up, makes the figure look really sloppy.. lookin at it with the naked eye it looks nothing like this
  7. C

    1st NY Continental Infantry Andrea 54mm Finished.

    Here's the pics of my finished figure, after about 15 strippings and paintings I am finally happy with the results. Just need to dullcoat him and dirty him up a bit and the final nail will be in the coffin of this bloke. This Figure is painted to represent the 1st NY Infantry at the battle of...
  8. C

    Gonfanonnier Templier 54mm Pegaso

    looks great from here, the whites are fantastic!!
  9. C

    Here goes.. NY 1st Infantry Saratoga WIP

    Well I took some advice, stripped the figure for the last time, and now I think I've got it. Just a couple of pics highlighting the uniform work and a glimpse on the flesh work until I can take better pics with the flesh tones really showing up.. no chalkiness, no streaks, I'm happy! Please...
  10. C

    What am I doing wrong?!?

    Hey guys, I know I haven't been around. That's partly because of the figure I'm painting currently. I have stripped this figure about 10 times... and the frustration level is driving me nuts... almost to the point of giving up. The face is the issue here. I have a variety of paints to use...
  11. C

    My last minis

    incredible stuff man! I love them all, but that Drummer boy really stands out to me!
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    Charles A.J.Flahaut, 1812

    I really do like the red uniform. You might have answered this question, but what paint are you using, acrylic, oils? What company? This figure looks great so far, can't wait to see more!!
  13. C

    The Officer's destiny

    very cool piece! The detail on that cap is great!!
  14. C

    German cossack 1\9 scale bust

    simply incredible! Those flesh tones are fantastic!
  15. C

    pegaso 75mm blackfoot Warrior

    outstanding work here! That war paint sent chills down my spine, well done!
  16. C

    Aust. Infantry Vietnam 1971 - 150mm

    Tony, I really like this figure, the base work and the dirty appearance really set it apart! Definately looks like he's seen some combat! Well done!!!!
  17. C

    Comrades In Arms 1812

    I have been eyeing this figure up for some time and well you've sealed the deal! This is incredible, I think the weathering here has captured the struggle these two are going through quite well! Well done, it is a shame you have to part with it, but you're going to make that raffle winner...
  18. C

    Pegaso Templar 90mm

    Wow, great figure! The ruins definately add some character to a wonderfully painted figure!!
  19. C

    Painting in "black & white"

    now that's cool! Something to try out some day for sure!
  20. C

    Pegaso's 90mm Samurai done!

    looks incredible! I'm sure it looks even more so in person!