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  1. clubcat

    Completed Havildar 36th Sikh Regiment, 1897

    Oh, he's come together well. Melanie
  2. clubcat

    Avanpost Grenadier Officer

    Photos are a tad dark to fully appreciate your work but from what I can see he looks well done. Very smart uniform Melanie
  3. clubcat


    Smashing job, really great Melanie
  4. clubcat

    Completed Tartar Miniatures "The Musician Cat"

    That has come out really well, congrats Melanie
  5. clubcat

    Completed TFB's Texas Lone Star Infantry. 4th regt.t

    He's coming along a treat, I like what you are doing. Melanie
  6. clubcat

    Completed Gouvion St. Cyr bust

    Nice work Colin. Melanie
  7. clubcat

    Finish bust Eugene de Beauharnais

    Beautifully done, congratulations Melanie
  8. clubcat

    Completed Sikh officer ww2

    Nice looking figure, coming on well Melanie
  9. clubcat

    Completed Havildar 36th Sikh Regiment, 1897

    He will certainly be colourful Melanie
  10. clubcat


    Beautifully done Melanie
  11. clubcat

    BILL HORAN - Post your favourite's here

    Always astounding Melanie
  12. clubcat

    LITTLE WARS ........fine artwork from Wargamers

    Love the charging Cuirassiers and Carabiniers. Some really lovely work here. Melanie
  13. clubcat

    WIP Officer 19th Chasseurs a Cheval 1814/15

    Thanks for the clarification Paul. With your normal attention to detail how could I ever doubted you....;) Melanie
  14. clubcat

    Tambor de los Batallones de Marina

    Another corker, wonderful Jesus Melanie
  15. clubcat

    Something to enjoy from Marion Ball

    Seriously fancy uniform beautifully brought to life by Marion. Melanie
  16. clubcat

    Completed Havildar 36th Sikh Regiment, 1897

    Coming on a treat Simon. Await painting with baited breath. Good job Melanie
  17. clubcat

    Completed Musketeer

    Coming on a treat, nice work on the face and hat. Melanie
  18. clubcat

    WIP Officer 19th Chasseurs a Cheval 1814/15

    Another lovely sculpt Paul. The chain detail on the shako is well done but I'm not clear on what it is as your references don't show it. It looks too short for a chinstrap. Otherwise fantastic. Melanie
  19. clubcat

    Alexandros does it again !!! ......Colbert

    That is quite lovely and an good addition to a great series. Melanie
  20. clubcat

    Officer, Von Rattsky Hussars, 1708 (Poste Militaire)

    Lovely job Andrew, a colourful uniform of which you have done it justice. Particularly like the leopard skin. Conratulations Melanie