looks great ! One thing: don't you think the helmets needs a deeper curve at the back?
I've tryed to past a picture of a real M27 helmet in your last photo to show you what I meen. The area indicated in red.....
cheers, Eric
a Dutch soldier of may 1940 is always a great idea !
I've build several in 54mm. Attached you'll find some pictures that might be of help.
The main weapon was a Mannlicher based gun build by the Dutch factory Hembrug and known as the M95.
succes, Eric
....heu: There are enough examples of military horses more recent than in the Napoleonic period.
Anyone want some examples of it in the Dutch army up to 1940?
Give me a PM : more than willing to provide you with some pict’s …..
Why wait for Spielberg ? It ‘ll probably look like this:
….mmm: not a bad idea to leave it like this and call it a field adjustment.
In that case tie up the stirrups so they won’t hamper the poor animal with every step.
If you have appetite for more packhorses, why not model one of the Dutch hussars carrying a heavy MG :cool:
Hi Eric
I like the idea, specially because it from a fellow countryman :thumb: !
Very original, bringing that ugly Tamiya-horse to life.
I have two remarks if you don’t mind:
What are these stirrups for? A packsaddle does not have these, they would only be in the way.
What ‘s on the other...
..there is this somewhat dramatic description of the interior of the Waterloo carriage in the Madame Tussaud's exhibition ( Originally Published 1920)
....The interior of the carriage is even more interesting than the exterior. Glancing within, we immediately find ourselves in closer touch...
here you have a sketch of the Berline Napoleon used at Waterloo.
Uploaded with
Remember the plastic model Historex used to have? That's of a different model. I might even have the plans for that model. Interested ?
..mmmm: in English something like:
I started the job of painting on the horse of Murat.
It is my first horse ... I had never experimented with painting of horses, perhaps for fear of combining a disaster! I must say that I follow the advice of Danilo Cartacci published his irreplaceable...