35-131 Officer of russian Spetsnaz.
35-132- Gunner of Russian Spetsnaz.
35-133 Officer of FSB Spetsnaz. Russia .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev
Best regards. Viktor .
N 120-82-83-84 Assault group of FSB Spetsnaz. Russia.2016 .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev. Painted by A. Zinovieva .
I already showed the assault group, but then I got completely ugly photos (unfortunately I'm a bad photographer) This time the photos seem to me to have turned out better...
120-90 Paratrooper of SSO Spetsnaz with 9K111 *****. Russia .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev. Painted by A. Zinovieva .
Best regards. Viktor
I think that it is not in camouflage colors, and photos in the new conditions. I have long tormented with the camera, and so far I have not been able to properly convey camouflage colors. And this time I photographed without any lights - only in daylight and work - good.
120-88 Officer of FSB Spetsnaz. Russia 2017.
120-89 Officer of FSB Spetsnaz. Russia 2017.
Sculpted byN. Gordeev. Painted by A. Zinovieva .
Best regards. Viktor
Hi Maki .
While this method does not. As well as the 200 mm figures - they weigh too much.
I do not remember - whether to show our new figure of 200 mm
Yes, Russian special units to actively use the equipment and samples of ammunition is very similar to Western equipment. And veterans of special units of Russia it is not very happy. They say that Russian special forces losing its unique face.
35-128 Russian engineer.2016.
35-129 Soldier of Assault engineering-sapper battalion. Russia 2016 .
35-130 Russian engineer.2016.
Sculpted by N. Gordeev.
Best regards. Viktor .
Scale 120 mm, white metal .
120-82-83-84 Assault group of FSB Spetsnaz. Russia 2016 .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev. Painted by A. Zinovieva .
120-85 IPSC shooter with VEPR-12. Russia .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev. Painted by A. Zinovieva .
Best regards. Viktor .
№ 120-82-83-8