Hi Glenn
Unfortunately, these figures are available dyed - they are made of metal and have a lot of the spring on the site but there are a few pieces of 120 mm-resin kit. Look.
Because of the heavy weight of a mail, I do not suggest a figure of 200 mm, which I have about 20 pieces.
Hi Mario .
Nicholas uses the thermoplastic - the mass hardens by heat.
pour this kit I will strictly metal. With the fall of the ruble prices for casting resins are very expensive.
Scale 1:16 (120 mm)
Assaut group of FSB Spetanaz. Russia .2015.
Sculpted by N. Gordeev .
There will be two versions of the head - helmet and helmet and gas mask.
Best regards. Viktor
Here are some examples of photos of actual MICO Pack and templates for painting of figure in 1/35 scale. And Google:
Price figure 1:35 will soon be put up on my website, the price figures 1:16 I can not say - it is not yet cast. We plan to complete the figure of 1:16 to the end of September.
120-75 German GSG-9 operator .
120-76 Officer of FSB Spetsnaz . Russia .
120-77 officer of SSO spetsnaz . Russia .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev.painted by A. Zinovieva.
B est regards. Viktor .
№ 200-18.Officer of FSB Spetsnaz . Russia 2015 .
Scale: 200 mm.White metal .
Sculpted by N. Gordeev.Painted by A. Zinovieva.
№ 200-17.Officer of FSB Spetsnaz . Russia 2014 .
Scale: 200 mm. White metal .
Sculpted by N...