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  1. F

    Listen up fellow Swedes!

    Ahaaaa... Because I get exited when I read somewhat with SF/Fantasy... Frank
  2. F

    american hero

    Dave, Kellerkind told me it will be hopefully available next year (I REALLY hope so, I LOVE that figure because it is a Policeman, AND he has a figure seldomly portraied in a figrure available!)) I have so many sets where I can put him in, and it does not matter, if he holds a gun in his hand or...
  3. F

    Listen up fellow Swedes!

    Fantasy/SF??? Cool, you should say it in English, too! Frank Because I want to know what I miss...
  4. F


    First I thought you did a montage with some filmpic and the head you sculpted. Than I realized, that this is an action figure. It is unbelievable, I am speechless... Frank Man, you are no sculptor anymore, you are an Artist!
  5. F

    Vampire Kisses

    Nothing to add, one of your greatest paintups! Frank
  6. F is open

    You have some interesting stuff on your side!! There is a creature, that looks a bit insectlike, painted (?) in brown tones, reminds me of an RESIDENT EVIL character. Sadly, no information about this figure is provided. Is it a one-of or a prototype, what scale? I have clicked on the image, but...
  7. F

    Captured (Vignette)

    Well done! I love the Rooster!! What scale is it? Looks a bit like 120mm, but that could be the Rooster from the Tamiya Farm Animals? Perfect paintup and nice presentation! Frank
  8. F

    HobbyWorld release

    Luca said the main thing: I mean to remember a big discussion in Historical about Mr. Troiani, who had put his atoney on the track of a firm sculpting and selling figures based on his paintings. There were a lot of pros and cons. And to be fair: Any rendering of the four musketeers, Napoleon...
  9. F

    debonding epoxy

    What about taking a fine saw? Frank
  10. F

    HobbyWorld release

    Al, why we all buy Andrea Figures!! They are releasing film characters like hell in their general series, nobody cares. Why discussing this small Hellboy within the same reasons? Andrea makes Alien, Predator, Batman, Spiderman, Planet of the Apes, Catwoman, Rambo, Tarzan and so on. Even Pegaso...
  11. F

    "Memories of Flight School"

    Thanks, Charles! And yes, you are right, some of these Figures from Tamiya are great (I like the German Ostfront Figure mainly the most, and the modern GI looks impressive, too!) Frank
  12. F

    "Memories of Flight School"

    Cool, never seen this figure here in Germany. Is it new? Or only sold in Japan? Frank
  13. F

    New 75mm Base WIP for Insect Man

    Ups, I have mailed the answer two times... Frank
  14. F

    New 75mm Base WIP for Insect Man

    Gary! This is an old EMI Base, from two part wood and one part metal. I have bought these some years ago but they arrive totally broken (the metall part inbetween was glued to the both wood parts, and that didn´t bond). So I put them aside and "reanimated" them for my two small Baseprojects...
  15. F

    HobbyWorld release

    Yeah, Hellboy!! Where to buy (maybe in Germany?) Frank
  16. F

    ELITE Vietnam GI 54mm

    Here you see a welcome in-between project to relax from weeks of sculpting. It is an Elite Vietnam GI, sculpted by Raoul Latorre and painted in Oils- and Enamels. He is some kind of trial and error for some upcoming Colonial Marines I will do in this scale. He is done without a Base, all I...
  17. F

    New 75mm Base WIP for Insect Man

    Thanks, Christos! I wait now till it is finished, put the figure a top and show the Endresult. Thank for looking!! Frank
  18. F

    New 75mm Base WIP for Insect Man

    Kyle, this is an old EMI Base. It is made of two Wood Parts and a round metal tube, engraved. Upon this I have put a piece of Balsa Foam and the detailing could begin (done with several parts from the sparebox, flocking material, roots and some Metalparts. Frank
  19. F

    Roman auxiliary soldier - II c- Romeo Models

    I love the snow effects on the figure and the base! The whole thing looks very well, great painting!! And don´t worry about the lightning! The way you shot it looks like an image from a history book! Frank
  20. F


    Like it? LIKE IT?? Yes, Dude, of cause! This is a great camouflage painting, the whole figure is very well done and the Base, I can feel him wading through the mud! Great to see this new figure from your workbench! Frank