Our 32nd Anniversary Show
Come join the artisans, modelers, hobby dealers, collectors
and historical re-enactors for a day of remarkable displays of
the best in figures, plastics and fantasy in the New York area.
The Long Island Show features a full array of
model suppliers...
Very nice work Mary! The over all tone is even and earthy befitting a battle field, well done. :thumb:
Great idea on the grass, resourcefulness is one of our very best tools!
I agree with that, yet as humans we're in it for instant gratification and formulaes fit the bill in the early stages, it's a good tool to learn to identify colours and their relations and an aid to open the eyes for those who take the next step.
A few things to announce:
Linking and posting Images, why aren't you doing it!!
Don't be afraid to add links to your posts, or images! I know some other sites get upset at that but we don't here, we encourage it. Adding links and images to your posts helps other sites promote their presence...
Ah don't sweat it, it's a great tool and fine to repost! (y)
Don't mind Einion, he gets like that about colours.
Einion, go easy on the new folk would ya, baby steps then to the formulaes, charts and Santería
Can you believe, I have two figures in my grey army ?
A Moz figure and Historic Art figure (actually belongs to Jim but I never got an address from him to send it to him! )