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  1. Black Berny

    Scorpio-Models • New Release

    Nice new release ! I would like to see some more bavarian soldiers in the future.... So please !
  2. Black Berny

    First Wedgie

    Looks cool ! I like it very much !! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
  3. Black Berny

    WIP Stormtroopers Tatham-Warter bust 4 fun

    That is what I name a nearly perfect sulpt- and paintjob !!!! I wish I could do it in the same way.... :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  4. Black Berny

    "Fuhrerin" 1:9 bust

    Excellent work !!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  5. Black Berny

    Sineus painting

    Great work on painting the heraldy, but the baseworks are.... Sorry, but why are so many painters named to paint four figures ??? I hope you don`t need as many fathers to make one chield.... :eek: Sorry, just kidding...
  6. Black Berny

    W.I.P. generalfieldmarshal Prince Leopold von Bayern (Ulrich Puchala)

    Hi Ben, very promising beginning in painting this beautiful bust. In my opinion the best figure of UP for the last years. I´m looking forward to see yoiur next steps.
  7. Black Berny

    New Andrea Releases July

    The Pirate looks very nice to me. Not my cup of tea, but I like it. The german soldier looks very well sculpted and also very funny. Sorry, but in my opinion the sculptor has no military experiences...especially as an infantry soldier. One of the first lessons I had to learn during my days...
  8. Black Berny

    Hospitaler Knight

    Hi Ernesto, a real stunner !!! Simply a fantastic paintjob !!! :eek:
  9. Black Berny

    Viking Fury

    Oh my god, that is really one of the best busts I have ever seen !!! A must have for me !!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  10. Black Berny

    AVATAR Neytiri bust

    I LOVE IT !!! You are a really gifted sculptor and painter !!! I´m speechless..... I loved the film and I hope this bust will be commerialy available. A must have for me !!!
  11. Black Berny

    Freya, War Goddess.

    A really nice sculpted lady !!! I really fell in love.... :thumb:
  12. Black Berny

    Scorpio-Models New Releases May

    Hi Markus, great stuff !!! My favourites are the Confederate Soldier and the Ardennes bust. I bought the Confederate in Inglolstadt and I must say it is worth every Cent. Now I have ordered the Ardennes bust, too. :D Keep up your good work.
  13. Black Berny

    Slow Rider...aka..."Born to be wild"

    Hi Markus, that are brilliant sculpted figures and such a coooooool idea !!! For me a must have !!!
  14. Black Berny

    Author Sculpt Trapper

    Fantastic !!! Just fantastic !!!!
  15. Black Berny

    B-17 Waist Gunner, WWII - Young Miniatures Review

    I love this bust !!! It is really a must have for a WWII collector like me !!! ~Black Berny
  16. Black Berny

    Hello Planeteers

    Hello Planeteers, I´m new here....but I was a visitor of this board for a long time. Now I want to be a active part ! I´m in the hobby since 1992 and I hope I will be able to show you some of my current works in the near future (just need a new camera...LOL). I also hope to be able to...
  17. Black Berny

    Wiking division WW2 №1,2 and 3

    Excellent sculpted figures !! Good to hear they will be available comercially !!!! ~Black Berny