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  1. marcellin de marbot

    French Guard Barbarossa Sappeur - part 1

    Hi Katarzyna, After the drawings, some photos that say more than words, as said Ivo Preda. Best wishes Marcello
  2. marcellin de marbot

    French Guard Barbarossa Sappeur - part 1

    Hi Katarzyna, I told of my English, not yours. :) About your bust, I said some advice on the uniform, not on the painting, that is a good job. As I said often in this site, I think that many modelers pass so much time to study an anatomy for sculpting a figure, or to study new techniques of...
  3. marcellin de marbot

    French Guard Barbarossa Sappeur - part 1

    Ciao Ivo, This is the mixing of gold and red! Katarzyna will be very glad to know how bad is my English :lol: This is a little cousin of yours Ciao Marcello
  4. marcellin de marbot

    French Guard Barbarossa Sappeur - part 1

    Hi Katarzyna, Some riflextions for you. The grenade on the top of the bearskin colpack was white for soldiers, both in the Line and Guard troops, but your man is painted as a graduate sapper, a sergeant, then the grenade is gold. The rolled overcoats were grey for the Line Corps, dark blue for...
  5. marcellin de marbot

    French Guard Barbarossa Sappeur - part 1

    Hello Katarzyna, If I am not wrong, you painted a graduate sapper of the Imperial Guard, but there are some mistakes to modify, while the painting in general is nice. I try to explain, following the uniform, from top to bottom The grenade on the top of the headgear is gold, not white. The cord...
  6. marcellin de marbot

    Seil Miniatures

    Hi Alan, That's as Michel Duroc no named, but issued only as Marshal of Palace... This is my version of Soult, they are so parents, isn't true? Regards MdM
  7. marcellin de marbot


    Hi Marc, Happy birthday, a very special greeting for you Marcello
  8. marcellin de marbot

    Seil Miniatures

    Hi to all, The French Marshal, with the white embroidered sash of Commander in Chief under the red sash of "Grand Aigle de la Legion d'Honneur", this sword, the cords on the shoulder, and above all these embroideries on the breeches say clearly that he is Jean de Dieu Soult, dressed as Commander...
  9. marcellin de marbot

    chasseur trumpeter 2

    Ciao Ivo, I write in english as you answered to me, so it's easy to understand for everyone. I said something about the colpack only for an aesthetic impression seeing it, not for other. However, the colpack generally used along the napoleonic period, entered in service in 1803, so one year...
  10. marcellin de marbot

    75 mm Hussar Trumpeter

    Hi Glenn, I thought you was already gone. What a pity, about one month later, there will be in Paris "Le Salon Mondial de la Maquette" , the international Expo of modelling, with a painters challenge and many things to see and to buy. Perhaps I'll be there at that time. Here I sent a link to...
  11. marcellin de marbot

    chasseur trumpeter 2

    Ciao Ivo, Bella pittura come al solito e riferimenti uniformologici corretti, nemmeno ipotizzabile il contrario. Se non m'imganno, è la stessa testa del Marbot, e come quello vedrei il colbacco più largo, più "cicciotto". Questo attuale è un pò troppo a tubo, ma tu lo sai benissimo come erano...
  12. marcellin de marbot

    75 mm Hussar Trumpeter

    Hi Glenn, Good figure...have you followed my instructions of the leaflet? They were well clear? ;) What about your trip in Paris? What do you tell me of the Musée de l'Armée? And drums? Are you training for the jam session with Marc and me? :lol: Bye bye M
  13. marcellin de marbot

    Pegaso - Light Cavalryman of the 12th Regt. 1806

    Hi Xenofon, Here your 12th Chasseurs de ligne à cheval. However, if you send me your mail address on MP, I'll send you the Rousselot's palette, with all colours used in French Army, so it will be useful for any figure in the future. Regards MdM
  14. marcellin de marbot

    Pegaso - Light Cavalryman of the 12th Regt. 1806

    Hi Xenofon, Your "chef d'escadron" is generally well done. Green and red are a little light, but I don't know if is a fault of the camera light. The nap green was rather dark and the distinctive of the 12th regiment was "cramoisi", a bit deeper red, not bright. A little historic notice, the...
  15. marcellin de marbot

    Historex and Nemrod lastest products

    Salut Robert, Je crois que ce HS a paru à la fin du 2002, donc maintenant sera...sur Jupiter ;) Toutefois, j'espère que mes notices seront suffisantes, n'est ce pas? A bien tot MdM
  16. marcellin de marbot

    French Artillery 1793

    Hi Paulo, Uh, I thouht it was useful the rear wiew to see the cartridge pouch and the sabre-briquet(sword) without bayonet. However here another image of the royal french artillery, a little before your 1793. The officer and the graduate, using an howitzer, have some things tipical of the...
  17. marcellin de marbot

    el viejo dragon

    Hi kimchi, Although is not my preferred period, I know him and I have someone.I think they are rather good, not as figures by Laruccia for Soldiers or the products from Pegaso, but amazing. Expecially some soldiers issued less recently as the capsarium CG 44(never made by anyone). I suggest you...
  18. marcellin de marbot


    Hello to all, Now we have a new Ken to put together Barbie. And I must say that Andrea's sculptor(?) has found the way to make mistakes also on a scale so great. On the waistcoat I counted 8 buttons! Normally were visible only 5, the sculptor(?) probably thought that Napoleon was a little fat...
  19. marcellin de marbot

    French Artillery 1793

    Hi Paulo, No, the frigian cap (and wood shoes as the revolutionary man sculpted by my friend Maurizio Bruno for Pegaso) were a dress tipical of the Revolution time. In the period 1792-1795 you are speaking, french soldiers were dressed with uniforms, although often with some exception to the...
  20. marcellin de marbot

    French Artillery 1793

    Hi Paulo, Here a pic of a french gunman. The bicorne was carried also in the other way as you mean and had often also a simple red carrot instead of the plume you see. The piping of lapels was red, in this pic seems almost white, but was red. I think also the use of straps d/blue piped red on...