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  1. Parkadge

    dml-ist army-1945

    I don't understand the question. The figure is wearing infantry webbing over his raincoat, of course it's possible. Why wouldn't it be?
  2. Parkadge

    Will there be a "Bid War" on this one

    Good luck to them if they can get their asking price. Now not that I have the money or space but I couldn't buy anything based on those photos anyway because you can't really make anything out in them. This item is being watched in My eBay :)
  3. Parkadge

    dml-ist army-1945

    It's a raincoat.
  4. Parkadge

    latin help

    Arturus Rex I think that's right
  5. Parkadge

    The future is so bright....

    I'll try them but yes depending on how user friendly the new styrene is this could be a serious threat to Resin manufacturers of axis figures, but then again it might be good for us causing them to produce more diverse figures.
  6. Parkadge

    Warsaw uprising '44

    Your work looks great Piotr. What scale is it? By coincidence I have just started reading RISING 44 "The Battle for Warsaw" by Norman Davies.
  7. Parkadge

    Interesting Commentary

    He's right you know. I model mainly WW2 Allied Armour and Figures and I'm pleasantly surprised by the lack of complaints about kits here on PF. I don't mind people complaining but what's the point in moaning to your fellow modellers about the small flaws in kits - with the addendum "I hope...
  8. Parkadge

    1/24-75mm weapons anywhere?

    Preiser do a set of German gear in 1/24 I don't know what the quality is like though. The pic is from -Pat
  9. Parkadge

    WWI british soldier

    I like this figure's attitude very much. What kind of tunic is that?
  10. Parkadge

    Tank- July releases

    I really like the look of those red army scouts. Thanks for posting
  11. Parkadge

    paratrooper-sniper-d-day dml

    The way to start is to jump in with both feet, make loads of mistakes and learn that way. Prepare well, decide on a pose, refer to photos, drawings and commercial figs. Work slow. When you get stuck ask more questions here
  12. Parkadge

    Anyone remember Stan Catchpole?

    Some of Stan's tips are on the Historex website at
  13. Parkadge

    First time sharing.

    I really like this model and I think you've done a great job with it. I have just reread Larry McMurtry's "Lonesome Dove" and this reminds me of it. It will look even better when you dirty it up a bit
  14. Parkadge

    Anyone remember Stan Catchpole?

    I keep meaning to write to Military Modelling and ask them to republish Stan Catchpol's column. I learnt the basics of scratchbuilding from his articles. After I post this I'm going to draft my letter to Military Modelling. Anyone care to join me?
  15. Parkadge

    The Old Forum is Back

    I just want to add my thanks to the PF staff who keep the Planet revolving
  16. Parkadge

    Airfix Figures in the seventies

    Check out this site for more info. I have to be dragged away from the computer sometimes as I get lost in this site
  17. Parkadge


    This is amazing. It's making my brain work in a funny way. You've opened up a world of possibilities with this. Personally I've always found the work of the German expressionists inspiring and now I'm imaging a scene by Georg Grosz or Max Beckman reproduced in this style
  18. Parkadge

    Papier Mache

    If you want to make papier mache yourself it's very simple. Tear up some paper as small as you can get it, newspaper is best, and leave it to soak in water. Then use a blender to shred the fibres even further. Now add your white glue, you can also add any colour you want now with any water...
  19. Parkadge

    Bloody Bucket Figure W.I.P.

    I'm sculpting this figure in 1/35 to represent an NCO of the 28th Infantry division during the Battle of the Huertgen Forest Hornet head, Historex hands,Verlinden holster and Academy boots (I think). I still have a lot of cleaning up to do and I think he might be too well built around the...
  20. Parkadge

    Sculpting & Painting a Prussian Jager

    Thanks Bill I'm going to try and put what I've learned to good use