I saw your display at Tulsa. It was really nice. You can tell a lot of thought went into the scenes. First thing that caught my eye was the tour jacket over the soldiers shoulder. That drew my attention to the rest of the scene.
Thanks gentlemen,
Nap, I like painting the seams on uniforms and equipment, I feel it makes a figure pop. It can be overdone, but at this scale you need something.
Robert Jan, I agree with the bush, I removed it and it looks better.
Thanks, Rusty
Thanks for the feedback. Robert Jan, I really appreciate your suggestions. I agree the eyes need some improvement. I didn't realize this until I took these photos. As for the weathering, I agree it looks really clean. He needs some dirt and grime. I will use your feedback on my next...
Good Day All,
Here are some finished pictures of the 1/35 Alpine Miniatures figure. Since I got back to painting last Fall, I have been trying to paint bolder and have been using a different style than I used to paint. So far I am liking the results I am getting. I would be happy for any...
Thanks for the comments. Nap, everything is painted, no transfers used. Alpine done a great job by adding raised detail for the chevrons and the shoulder badge. The helmet badge and US on the canteen and e-tool are free handed.
Thanks gentlemen for the comments. I am glad you like the progress so far. I finished this figure last night. I hope to get some updated photos by the weekend.