It's printed and the resin is of good quality.I also noticed that on the UK site on ebay it's cheaper.£30 for the one without the hat,and £16 with the hat and that was including postage.I think i was maybe lucky in their error on pricing.
He,s about 120mm in scale.I got him from E Bay It's a 3D figure made under license to a chap called Monano.The company is based in England and take orders for their figures,many of them being fantasy.There,s 2 versions of this bust,one without the top hat £16 and one without the hat...
I've been using W&N series7 and Raphael 8404 brushes for many years,but the prices are just going crazy,and as I don,t paint as much as I used to I,m not looking for longitivity , but a brush where the point could survive 2 figures.
Eureka!!! Stalingrad Miniatures Elderly Woman 1939-1940.I had problems finding out who stocked it in the UK.There is an American and a Russian company that have it.I tried googling it to see if any companies in the UK stock it ,but you lads might have more joy than me.