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  1. bigtodd

    For Sale Elephant for sale

    Brian, I couldn't resist but "Is the elephant house trained, and would you provide the first months bales of feed hay?" :hilarious::hilarious::D:D:D
  2. bigtodd

    Jeffshiu's Miniatures 120mm 2 Fallschirmjager Div. (Ukraine) on the Pz.VI 'Tiger' Ausf E. 'S33'

    My wife had gotten me the 1/16 Tiger 1 tank for Christmas. I showed her this post and she said go ahead and order them. After picking my jaw up from the floor in shock, I showed her all the other tank riders, D-day invasion figures, and others that Jeff has done in the last six months and asked...
  3. bigtodd

    Completed German WSS figure 1:16

    Looking good!
  4. bigtodd

    120mm US 82nd/101st Airborne

    WOOP WOOP!!!!!!!!!! I just ordered two of them as promised. So excited to get these. One for me and one for a surprise for my besty. Thanks again to all who were involved to get this created.
  5. bigtodd

    Completed Current sculpting 'The Bugler'

    Gobsmacked Amazing!!!!!!
  6. bigtodd

    WIP on Ming the Merciless for TFB Miniatures

    Will flash be from the eighties flash or older comic book flash?
  7. bigtodd

    "The Art of MINIATURE BUSTS" - eBook Available now

    I bought this book today. It is exactly what I needed to get started using Zbrush software to try and sculpture in 3D. Here is the review I gave it on Amazon. If you have ever tried to figure out where to start in z brush and want to create your own figures then this is a great start. I...
  8. bigtodd

    Brush Cam from MicroMark

    The issue with these is the latency. It is around .5 to 1 second delay. So you do not get real-time images.
  9. bigtodd

    Completed 101ST AIRBORNE AT CARENTAN, JUNE 1944

    Billy's face is your best one yet!!!!!!
  10. bigtodd

    Farewell - in memory of Maurizio Berselli

    Got mine in the post today. Really nice.
  11. bigtodd

    Gebirgsjäger 6. SS Gebirgs-Division "Nord"

    What colors did you use one the green of the smock? The shadows are nice and subdued. On second thought just give us (please) all of your colors. I just noticed the shirt cuff and the ice pick. Wow!!!!!
  12. bigtodd

    Various completed 1/16 Figures

    A lot of flavor in those paint ups! Nicely done.
  13. bigtodd

    Completed Evolution Russian Tankman

    Great job! You nailed this one perfect. Copied your photos to my gallery for future reference.
  14. bigtodd

    Is this normal.........?

    It's too clean and too organized!:p
  15. bigtodd

    Completed 101ST AIRBORNE AT CARENTAN, JUNE 1944

    I swear Hank looks like chesty Puller's twin brother.
  16. bigtodd

    82nd/101st Airborne MMM

    Okay is it ready yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ready to throw money!!!!!!
  17. bigtodd


    Thanks Gary!!!! We are all good now.
  18. bigtodd


    What paint paint mix ratios? Tell me what they are and where in that document you found them. Go on tell me!!!! I called like it is.
  19. bigtodd

    what colors to use for 82nd airborne D-Day ???

    I use life color paints name hbt. But I also mix it up with other colors to get different shades of belts. I will look at my list of Vallejo colors to see what I used on the last ones.